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Oliver Lindström: Blow-Ups in Real and Complex Geometry

Tid: Fr 2024-11-08 kl 13.15 - 14.15

Plats: Seminar room Kovalevsky

Medverkande: Oliver Lindström (SU)

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The Blow-Up of a scheme in a closed subscheme is a well known and very powerful tool in algebraic geometry. Among other things it can be used for the resolution of singularities of a variety which reduces many problems about varieties to the smooth case. In this talk we will introduce the analogous notions of complex and real, oriented, blow-ups of a topological space in a section of a vector bundle. We will show that for complex varieties these blow-ups satisfy some particularly nice properties. Finally, we will briefly explain how real, oriented, blow-ups can be used to define the Kato-Nakayama analytification of a so called log-scheme.