KTH co-publishing per country, 2013-2017

The statistics reported at this page and its subpages have been compiled by the bibliometric group at the KTH Library, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

The table below gives the number of co-published articles for KTH in combination with other, relative to Sweden, countries. The articles that underlie the tables are published in the period 2013-2017. For year 2017, the publication data are not complete.

Data and differences between research fields

Only articles recorded in Web of Science, and with at least one KTH affiliation, have been taken into account, a total of 11,763 articles of which 7,830 have been internationally co-published (67%). Note that publications in the humanities, social sciences and in fields, where proceedings papers are frequent, are covered by Web of Science to a considerably smaller extent compared to the natural sciences. This should be kept in mind when the results shown at the pages are interpreted.

Counting method

Many of the co-published articles involve a large number of authors and countries, for instance articles in particle physics. For countries that have a lot of such articles co-published with KTH, their total number of co-published articles gives a somewhat misleading picture of the strength of their collaboration with KTH. Therefore, the statistics is divided into categories depending on the number of authors of the articles and in total (the column “Total full”). The column “Total frac” gives the number of publication (address) fractions across the number-of-authors categories. The table is sorted descending after “Total frac”, and not after “Total full”.

For instance, KTH and China have co-published 1,967 articles, of which 114 have 11-50 authors. The total number of publication fractions for KTH and China is equal to 727.15. If China has one of four addresses in a publication co-published with KTH, this publication contributes with the publication fraction 1/4 to the total number of publication fractions for KTH and China.

Note that, for all tables and for all numerical columns except the ones that concerns publication fractions, a publication co-published by KTH and two or more countries other than Sweden is counted one time for each such country.

Links to further tables

The five leftmost columns of the table are populated with links. The link “Per subject category” for China, for example, leads to a table, where the number of articles co-published by China and KTH by Web of Science Subject Category, and by number-of-authors category, is given. The column “Total (pub. and subject frac)” gives the total number of publication fractions for KTH and China in the Web of Science Subject Categories, and across the number-of-authors categories. Here, a fraction for a publication is obtained by multiplying the country publication fraction by the subject category fraction. The latter is calculated as 1/k, where k is the number of subject categories the publication belongs to.

The links “Per year”, “Per country organization”, “Per KTH School” and “Per KTH Researcher” lead to tables that report the number of articles co-published by KTH and a country by publication year, organization within a country, KTH School and KTH researcher, respectively, and by number-of-authors category. Also these tables have a column that contains publication fractions in total.

Unification of organization names

For the table with number of articles per country, organization within countries and number-of authors category, all organization names have not yet been consistently unified. Therefore, more than one row in the table, for a given country, might have organization names that refer to one and the same organization.

Number of co-published articles in Web of Science between KTH and countries, by number-of authors category, 2013-2017

Country 1-10 auth. 11-50 auth. 51-200 auth. 200+ auth. Total (full) Total (frac) Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CHINA 1383 114 22 448 1967 727.15 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
UNITED STATES 1183 290 76 453 2002 611.66 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
GERMANY 730 282 106 454 1572 355.94 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
UNITED KINGDOM 595 248 51 451 1345 272.01 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ITALY 415 123 106 454 1098 270.38 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
FRANCE 416 206 72 454 1148 207.08 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
FINLAND 389 129 8 7 533 164.69 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SPAIN 305 98 70 454 927 152.61 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
JAPAN 194 73 71 448 786 119.53 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
RUSSIAN FEDERATION 248 54 40 449 791 115.29 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
NETHERLANDS 276 80 11 451 818 114.17 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
NORWAY 257 31 10 440 738 112.10 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SWITZERLAND 233 65 17 452 767 94.29 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CANADA 202 46 4 440 692 91.27 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
INDIA 226 33 16 159 434 90.10 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
AUSTRALIA 227 34 3 446 710 89.43 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
DENMARK 258 47 5 442 752 86.62 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BELGIUM 209 71 6 6 292 77.26 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
AUSTRIA 155 85 50 452 742 63.36 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF 125 11 . 1 137 55.19 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BRAZIL 86 18 5 442 551 45.66 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
IRELAND 103 24 6 7 140 45.05 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
TURKEY 59 19 9 439 526 43.05 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
POLAND 94 36 27 454 611 42.71 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 102 20 5 6 133 42.54 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
PAKISTAN 88 6 . 1 95 35.70 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
HUNGARY 113 27 3 435 578 33.10 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
PORTUGAL 50 45 5 442 542 33.04 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CZECH REPUBLIC 56 41 9 444 550 31.66 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
UKRAINE 72 10 2 4 88 30.81 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ISRAEL 89 5 10 440 544 28.46 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SINGAPORE 67 19 2 . 88 28.36 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SLOVENIA 49 9 13 444 515 25.35 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
GREECE 51 7 . 443 501 22.60 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SOUTH AFRICA 38 14 23 442 517 20.63 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ROMANIA 27 18 3 448 496 19.83 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ICELAND 52 1 43 3 99 15.42 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
TAIWAN 26 9 1 440 476 14.76 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
EGYPT 29 2 . 1 32 13.99 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 29 1 . 438 468 13.82 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 35 1 . . 36 13.73 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ESTONIA 40 7 . 2 49 13.59 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
THAILAND 30 5 19 6 60 11.78 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MOROCCO 5 1 . 436 442 11.36 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
NEW ZEALAND 30 4 3 2 39 11.19 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
OMAN 23 . . . 23 11.18 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
LUXEMBOURG 31 5 . . 36 10.89 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CHILE 20 5 8 440 473 10.61 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BOLIVIA 24 . . . 24 10.33 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
LITHUANIA 23 5 1 3 32 9.42 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MEXICO 27 8 2 51 88 9.37 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ARGENTINA 11 2 4 441 458 9.00 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SAUDI ARABIA 28 11 1 1 41 8.80 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
UGANDA 15 1 . . 16 7.50 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BELARUS 9 1 4 444 458 6.81 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
COLOMBIA 13 . 1 437 451 6.48 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SLOVAK REPUBLIC 6 6 . 442 454 6.33 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CROATIA 18 3 4 4 29 6.16 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
REP OF GEORGIA 7 1 6 439 453 6.15 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MALAYSIA 13 4 1 311 329 5.60 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
INDONESIA 10 . . 1 11 4.24 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
KENYA 13 2 1 . 16 4.02 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
VIET NAM 14 3 . . 17 3.55 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
TANZANIA 8 . . . 8 3.48 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
NIGERIA 7 1 . . 8 2.79 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CYPRUS 9 . . 1 10 2.70 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ARMENIA 2 1 . 440 443 2.51 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
KAZAKHSTAN 9 . . 1 10 2.44 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
AZERBAIJAN . . . 439 439 2.27 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BULGARIA 2 5 5 141 153 1.85 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
PERU 5 . . . 5 1.67 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BANGLADESH 4 2 . . 6 1.60 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SRI LANKA 4 1 . 1 6 1.50 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
LATVIA 4 2 . 2 8 1.37 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MOLDOVA 6 . . . 6 1.37 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ETHIOPIA 3 1 . . 4 1.31 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
TUNISIA 3 . . . 3 1.28 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
QATAR 6 . . 1 7 1.28 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
JORDAN 3 . . . 3 1.17 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
IRAQ 2 2 . . 4 0.97 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ALBANIA 2 . . . 2 0.83 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MOZAMBIQUE 2 . . . 2 0.83 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MALTA 3 . . . 3 0.78 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BAHRAIN 2 1 . . 3 0.70 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SUDAN 2 1 . . 3 0.60 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
CUBA 1 2 . . 3 0.58 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 2 . . . 2 0.50 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
LEBANON 1 1 . . 2 0.50 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
LIECHTENSTEIN 1 . . . 1 0.50 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MALI 1 . . . 1 0.50 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
ALGERIA 1 1 1 2 5 0.44 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 2 . . . 2 0.34 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MACEDONIA 2 . . . 2 0.34 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
KUWAIT 1 . . . 1 0.33 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MAURITIUS . 3 . . 3 0.27 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
NAMIBIA 1 . . 2 3 0.27 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
SOUTH SUDAN 1 . . . 1 0.25 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
URUGUAY 1 . . . 1 0.25 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
RÉUNION 1 1 . . 2 0.25 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
VENEZUELA . 1 2 . 3 0.24 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
PALESTINE . . . 61 61 0.21 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 1 . . . 1 0.20 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
MADAGASCAR 1 . . . 1 0.20 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
COSTA RICA 1 . . . 1 0.17 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
GUINEA BISSAU . 1 . . 1 0.17 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
GHANA . 2 . . 2 0.14 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
GRENADA 1 . . . 1 0.09 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
PHILIPPINES . 1 . . 1 0.08 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BENIN . 1 . . 1 0.05 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
BURKINA FASO . 1 . . 1 0.05 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
FRENCH POLYNESIA . 1 . . 1 0.05 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO . 1 . . 1 0.05 Per year Per subject category Per country organization Per KTH School Per KTH Researcher


Thomson Reuters disclaimer (below) should be part of any publication including the results from the Web of Science data used for the analysis.

Certain data included herein is derived from the Science Citation Index Expended (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Sciences (CPCI-S) and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI -SSH), prepared by Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Inc. (TR®), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: © Copyright Thomson Reuters (Scientific) Inc. 2018. All rights reserved.


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