The changeover to the new Ladok system is approaching. Between 11-22 June 2018 (weeks 24-25), Ladok 3 will replace the existing Ladok system at KTH. This upgrade of the system is inevitable, as the existing Ladok is now 20 years old and in many ways outdated. A number of working groups have been appointed at KTH level tasked with ensuring a smooth transition to Ladok3. A number of Education Office employees are members of these working groups. In principle, all education processes have some kind of link to Ladok.
One effect that will be apparent to teachers during the changeover in June is that grades lists will be certified digitally. KTH will be providing information and training on the new Ladok 3 system. These activities will take place on an ongoing basis between April and September 2018. Information will be aimed at studies administration staff, teachers and students. Information to students on what the new Ladok3 means for them will be available on the external website Student at KTH.
All examiners will be required to undergo training in order to be granted authorisation rights in the new Ladok3. This training will be brief and will be provided digitally in Canvas. Further information regarding this will be provided as and when it becomes available.
During the transition, time will be tight with regard to registration of grades in the student registry. A risk assessment is currently being conducted at the ITM school in order to identify any issues relating to the transition. During the changeover and autumn term 2018, studies administration staff will register grades in the same way as at present. What the situation will look like in 2019 is a matter that the school will need to discuss. A SWOT analysis will be prepared to list the respective pros and cons of studies administration staff or, alternatively, teachers entering results into Ladok3 in future.
Studies administration staff will be available throughout the summer and we will also have administrative support available at offices at the beginning of the autumn term to assist with any questions, primarily regarding digital certification.
We will shortly be preparing a communication plan regarding the transition to Ladok3.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The EU General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, will enter into force in May 2018. The overall purpose of GDPR is to ensure and strengthen the individual’s right to privacy by protecting their personal data.
KTH is currently carrying out an inventory. ITM has sent out a web questionnaire containing questions from KTH to a selected group. As a public authority, KTH must be able to demonstrate that we comply with GDPR, including for those lists we establish. Ordered lists refers to registers created separately based on data obtained from a system, e.g. HR Plus or Ladok, or directly from the individual. In this context, lists are a compilation of personal data regarding a group of people (e.g. a class). The file format used is irrelevant.
We will get back to you with further information once analysis has been conducted at KTH level.
Staff Survey
The Staff Survey will be conducted between 4-25 April 2018.
In order to participate in the survey, one must have been employed at KTH for the previous three months to an extent of at least 40%.
KTH has purchased a supplementary service from Quicksearch. This means that Quicksearch will compile each school’s results and will present these to the management of each school.
We hope that as many members of staff as possible will take the time to respond to the survey, which will be sent out by email. It is important that school management obtains information about the work environment and how it is perceived, so that appropriate improvement measures can be implemented.
/Christina Carlsson, Head of Administration