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GA blog post

Finally we have reached the end of the spring semester after a very intense period. The last couple of weeks my time has been filled with both examination, research conferences and the graduation ceremony for masters, masters of engineering and architects in the City Hall. The graduation ceremony was a new experience for me, and … Continue reading “GA blog post”

Time to summarize

A very intense week is about to be completed, since the term is about to end. Time to summarize all P4 courses and complete the work of writing and correcting all the examination. But this week has also offered other exciting and interesting education-focused events. For instance, yesterday (on Wednesday) all the schools GA & … Continue reading “Time to summarize”

”Ny vecka och ny vardag. Men ändå inte.”

Så inledde rektor Sigbritt Karlsson sin blogg i måndags, och jag kan bara hålla med. Det har den här veckan har Campus känts annorlunda, stillsamt; kanske eftersom många av lärarna haft påsklov och kanske för att många av studenterna förberett sig inför omtentorna, men troligtvis eftersom ni, liksom jag, på olika sätt funderat och reflekterat … Continue reading “”Ny vecka och ny vardag. Men ändå inte.””

GA Lundqvist signing off!

With the first half of the blog I would like to take the opportunity to thank all my colleagues at the ITM School for many years of collaborative efforts. The role of GA at the school is both rewarding and challenging for sure. It has been thrilling, frustrating, fun but always very meaningful. There is … Continue reading “GA Lundqvist signing off!”

Our new GRU-organization is launched!

The new organisational model chosen for the educational leadership at the ITM School is finally live.  The structure was developed during 2016 after through discussions. The educational board (UN) of ITM is now replaced with the”ITM Utbildingsutskott”. The idea behind the new model is a more efficient organization able to capitalize also on competences and … Continue reading “Our new GRU-organization is launched!”