By ascertaining how molecules, cells and ecosystems interact, we can understand how life works. This enables us to meet and resolve societal challenges in areas such as health, climate and the environment. SciLifeLab is a setting where researchers come together across department, faculty and university boundaries, and it is an initiative that benefits a lot of people.
And just like all teenagers, SciLifeLab is undergoing a real growth spurt. KTH is the principal for SciLifeLab, which is run in a collaboration between the four founding universities: KTH, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. Today SciLifeLab is represented at all Swedish universities, and has local sites in Gothenburg, Linköping, Lund and Umeå. KTH, KI and SU have, within the framework of SciLifeLab, a meeting-point for activities at Campus Solna, which is SciLifeLab’s biggest site.
As Head of Division in SciLifeLab’s Administration – part of the University Administration at KTH – I have the privilege, alongside the rest of VS and the other parts of SciLifeLab, to work to support and develop the operation to ensure the greatest possible leverage for this shared resource in the academic, healthcare and industrial spheres.
Sandra Falck, Head of Division, SciLifeLab Administration