Hello everybody, and welcome to this new post! Today, I would like to tell you something more about my experience as a (Digital) Student Ambassador for KTH. I thought this could interest you too, since the application to become Student Ambassador and Digital Student Ambassador for KTH are now open! So, let’s get started.

My motivations
I decided to become a Student Ambassador because, as a prospective international student, I found the service offered by the Ambassadors to be super useful. KTH Instagram helped me to understand how life in Sweden was actually like, while my programme’s Ambassador answered many of my doubts, helping me to make the correct choice for my academic future. I wanted to do the same and help other students like me to take the right decision! Of course, my favourite digital channel was the blog, and that’s why I applied for it. Moreover, I thought being a Student Ambassador could be a super nice way to deal with the cost of life in Sweden. Having some financial independence has always been important for me, as I don’t like asking my parents for money, and this job proved to be flexible, funny and exactly what I was looking for.
Many perks…
Being an ambassador has proved to have many perks for me. Apart from the already mentioned economic side, it also helped me to appreciate more my life in Sweden. Sometimes I feel like it’s hard to find inspiration on what to write but then, almost every single time, I realise that there are so many things that I give for granted now but that, one year ago, I couldn’t even imagine. A walk in the nature, a boat trip, walking on a frozen lake… writing on the blog helped me to realise how lucky I am to be here, and to appreciate more the little things. Moreover, looking for inspiration also pushes you to do something new even in packed periods, helping to deal with study stress and pressure!
… and some difficulties
Not everything is perfect, and it would be naive to pretend that it is all fun and games. Being a Student Ambassador requires passion for content creation and commitment, and it requires you to fit the blogging/instagramming activity with the academic schedule. Let’s be clear: it is definitely not hard, it just requires a little bit of commitment! Also, managing to work while studying is super important for your curriculum, and something that many recruiters will appreciate. When it comes to practical matters, I would say that the most difficult thing is to decide what to write about. For me, finding inspiration is the hardest part! But I also feel like I’ve grown a lot and got better, and for sure this will be useful for my future too.

In conclusion, if you are a creative and committed International Student I highly recommend you to apply to become a (Digital) Student Ambassador at KTH. You will find a supportive workplace which will help you grow as a student and worker, as well as a way to cope with the Swedish cost of life. Who knows, maybe next year we will be colleagues!
That is all for today. I hope you found this post useful and that I sparked your curiosity a little bit on what it’s like to be a Digital Ambassador for KTH. Before leaving you, I recommend you to check out Martyna’s last post on thesis tips and Raygo’s last post on Spring in Stockholm – they are definitely worth a look!
Thank you very much, see you in the next post!
// Lorenzo
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