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So… “Fly or Die” is just a myth?

On Wednesday 31st, leading climate scientist Kevin Anderson was welcomed as the incoming Zennström Visiting Professor at Uppsala University. A packed auditorium listened to his lecture on “A Parisian tale of Triumph and Tragedy” (video footage here) and there’s no doubt his one-year tenure as Visiting Professor in Climate Change Leadership will leave a mark. Why? He is a … Continue reading “So… “Fly or Die” is just a myth?”

Fly or Die? Seminar on fossil-dependent knowledge production 26 April

What is the future of academia within a sustainable development framework? What does the COP21 and “stay below 2 degrees” really mean for us in the arena of global knowledge production? Don’t miss this extremely interesting seminar on the 26th of April, at the Dome of Visions in Stockholm, organised by KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory. Programme and … Continue reading “Fly or Die? Seminar on fossil-dependent knowledge production 26 April”

The Travelling Scientist Summarized!

For almost a year, we entertained a conversation among scholars about the doubts and dilemmas, the thrills and the thrust of carbon-dependent international collaboration i academia. A big THANK YOU! to all who participated. The outcomes and experiences of this process  are shortly to be published in an article co-authored by Johan Gärdebo, David Nilsson and … Continue reading “The Travelling Scientist Summarized!”

Climate hypocrisy? The researchers are making things worse with their flying.

Svenska Dagbladet (one of the larger Swedish dailies) is running a debate piece today on the unsustainable travel habits of researcher, written by Johan Gärdebo, Kristoffer Soldal, Mattias Höjer and David Nilsson – as part of the KTH/EHL initiative Travelling Without Borders. It is in Swedish. In short we are arguing that researchers who want to contribute … Continue reading “Climate hypocrisy? The researchers are making things worse with their flying.”