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Adaptive self-other similarity in facial appearance and behavior for facilitating cooperation between humans and artificial systems​

Tid: To 2019-09-26 kl 11.00

Plats: Room 4423, Lindstedtsvägen 5, KTH, Stockholm

Medverkande: Maha Ahmed Kamal Elgarf, CST/EECS/KTH


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According to the similarity attraction theory, people will interact better with individuals with whom they can identify an aspect of self-other similarity. Previous research suggests that the same similarity attraction concept applies to the communication between humans and artificial agents.​​ Throughout my PhD research, I will be investigating the adaptation of the two aspects of self-other similarity between the artificial agent (whether a virtual character or a social robot) and the human: physical appearance and behavior. In this research context, adapting the self-other similarity will be performed in an educational context where we are aiming to improve children's learning performance.

In this 30% seminar, I will be talking about the research efforts performed in this PhD so far that includes some preliminary results about the similarity in personality between the agent and the user as well as the first steps of the design and development of a learning task that aims at improving creativity for school children. I will also give a brief idea about my future research plans.
