NAVET Week Day 5 at KTH
On its fifth and final day, the NAVET Week 2021 returns to KTH with yet another day of interesting presentations.
Tid: Fr 2021-12-17 kl 13.00 - 19.00
Plats: Teknikringen 1
13:00 Method seminar with presentations by Sandra Pauletto, Nadia Campo Woytuk, and Vasily Sitnikov.
14:00 Simon Alexanderson presents Digital Bodies: Motion Capture Acting
14:30 Coffe Break
14:45 Talks by NAVET board members Cecilia Roos and Magnus Bärtås
15:15 Presentation by Ludvig Elblaus
16:15 Johanna Enger presenting Mixing and Matching the Luminous Color Palette
16:30 Costanza Julia Bani presents "Too Loud and Too Bright"
16:45 Closing remarks by Director Roberto Bresin
17:00 NAVET Week closing celebration
More information about the NAVET Week at .