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Pedagogic seminar "21117 Repos Later: Developing Tool Support for Courses using Git & GitHub/GitLab"

We continue the EECS pedagogical seminar series about the small GRU development projects that we started in 2018. Welcome to the next talk.

Tid: To 2019-12-12 kl 12.12 - 13.00

Plats: Campus Valhallavägen, CS Biblioteket, Lindstedtsvägen 3, Floor 4

Medverkande: Rick Glassey, Lecturer, EECS, Division of Theoretical Computer Science

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The use of version control systems within computing education is growing in popularity. However, this is challenging because such systems are not particularly well designed to support educational situations, nor are they easy to use with confidence in teaching, as specialist knowledge and experience is required. At KTH, we have five years of experience of introducing first year computer science students to version control as a "day one" skill, and building upon this throughout the whole first year. During this time we have generated 21117 (and counting) repositories for students to manage their assignments and submissions, as well as their feedback and grading. This talk will provide some pearls (and perils) from our hard won experience, as well as introduce the open source tool (RepoBee) we have developed based on this experience to help any teacher introduce version control as a course management technology with ease.

NOTE! You do not need to sign up for the seminar. If you prefer, you can take your lunch with you.

See also EECS pedagogical seminars 2019 . Here you can also find the slide set of the previous talks.