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Collaborative Robot Assisted Language Learning - CoRALL

Time: Fri 2020-03-06 15.15

Location: Fantum (Lindstedtsvägen 24, floor 5, room no. 522)

Participating: Ronald Cumbal

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Studies of spoken human-robot interaction (HRI) with the application for
language learning have noticeably gained popularity within the HRI
community [1]. Among the learning activities studied in Robot assisted
Language Learning (RALL), speaking skills development has seen a lesser
number of contributions, with even less studies aimed at adult subjects.
In this one-year seminar, I will present our work focused on Robot
Assisted Practice Conversations, specifically aimed at the visual
characterization of uncertainty (or confusion) in adult second language
learners. Our current work intents to detect uncertainty events and
adapt the dialogue system to react appropriately.

Plans for future work will be discussed as part of on-going projects of
closed-topic dialogue generation -and evaluation- for language learners,
and the use of group behavior and HRI to improve learning outcomes.

1. Natasha Randall. 2019. A Survey of Robot-Assisted Language Learning
(RALL). /J. Hum.-Robot Interact./ 9, 1, Article 7 (December 2019), 36
pages. DOI: