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H2020 Pump Heat

Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies with a consortium consisting of 14 participants from 8 countries

Project members

Funded by: European Commission
Time period: 2017-2020
Project members:

UNIGE Università Degli Studi Di Genova

RINA-C RINA Consulting

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

AUTH Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

LSC Limmat Scientific AG

AEN Ansaldo Energia SPA


ORLEN Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA

MHPSE Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe GmbH

NOV Novener


SIEME Siemens Industry Software SAS


AL Alfa Laval Lund AB


Natural gas fired Combined Cycle (CC) power plants are currently the backbone of EU electrical grid, providing most of regulation services necessary to increase the share of non-programmable renewable sources into the electrical grid. As a consequence, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Utilities are investigating new strategies and technologies for power flexibility. Current research activities for CCs flexibility enhacement (e.g. power ramp augmentation, Minimum Electrical Load - MEL - reduction) focus mainly on the GT and extend the operational envelop of this component, which is primarily constrained by emissions (typically, CO at low load and NOx formation at full load). On the other hand, existing cogenerative CCs are usually constrained by thermal user demand, hence can provide limited services to the grid. At the same time, CHP plants are highly promoted for their high rate of energy efficiency (> 90%) and combined with district heating network are a pillar of the EU energy strategy. PUMP-HEAT aims at an innovative approach to enhance CC flexibility through bottoming cycle innovations, applicable also to cogenerative CCs.

Aim and objectives

The main aim of PUMP-HEAT is to develop and demonstrate up to TRL 6 in the relevant environment (a real Combined Cycle Cogenerative plant) an innovative, easily scalable, economically viable and replicable plant layout based on the integration of heat pumps (HP) and thermal energy storage, to un-tap Combined Cycle (CC) potential flexibility through low-CAPEX balance of plant innovations.

The Objectives are:

  • To un-tap the unexploited reserve of flexibility in cogenerative CCs, and to further enhance turn-down ratio and power ramp capabilities of power oriented CCs.
  • PUMP-HEAT project proposes the demonstration of an innovative concept based on the coupling of a fast-cycling highly efficient heat pump (HP) with CCs.
  • The integrated system features thermal storage and advanced control concept for smart scheduling.


The complete overview of the 7 workpackages are shown below, KTH acts as the WP3 leader, led by Assist. Prof. Dr. Justin Chiu, and KTH will have a large contribution in WP1 through Dr. Rafael Guedez, with supportive roles in WP4 and WP6

Project outcomes

In general, the CC integration with a HP and a cold/hot thermal storage brings to a reduction of the MEL and to an increase in power ramp rates, while enabling power augmentation at full load and increasing electrical grid resilience and flexibility. The PUMP-HEAT concept could stop the mothballing of EU Combined Cycles, pushing new installations and the retrofitting of already existing power plants giving a second chance to such these crucial energy systems in the current and future energy scenario. The PUMP-HEAT technology will be able also to have technological impacts on the CC and GT power plants increasing the annual and seasonal efficiency up to 5%, reducing OPEX of 3%, increasing the possibility for such plants to sell more electricity on the Regulation and Ancillary Services Electrical Market, thanks to their increased flexibility and fast responsivity (about a 30% of the generation could be sold on these markets at a 50% higher revenue) and reducing the number of start-ups of 5-10% and the related extra costs, equivalent operating hours (EOH) and wear.
The PUMP-HEAT Combined Cycle aims to become a new paradigm for GT and CC power plants recognized in both the technical and academic panoramas.


Please see the link below for the complete list of publications:

List of Publications  

More Publications

Project contact persons

Björn Laumert
Björn Laumert Principal Investigator at KTH
Viktoria Martin
Viktoria Martin Project member at KTH
Rafael Guedez Mata
Rafael Guedez Mata Project member at KTH
Justin Chiu
Justin Chiu Contact person, Project member at KTH

Read more about the project on

ALT-BESS — Aging Models, LCA, and Advanced Tools for Stationary Energy Storage: Enhancing Battery Technologies and Supporting Global Decarbonization
UP-FLEXH — Innovative High Temperature Heat Pump for Flexible Industrial Heat on Demand
JOULIA — Electrification of industrial processes using induction and microwaves technologies
COMHPTES — Flexible Compact Modular Heat Pump and PCM based Thermal Energy Storage System for heat and cold industrial applications
DARLING — Damaged and Repaired Blade Modeling with in-situ Experiments
VILD — Virtual Integrated soLutions for future Demonstrators and products
HP4NAR — Next generation Heat Pumps with NAtural Refrigerants for district heating and cooling systems
FRONTSH1P — Recycling of end-of-life wind blades through renewable energy driven molten salt pyrolysis process
I-UPS — Innovative High Temperature Heat Pump for Flexible Industrial Systems
FLUWS — Flexible Upcycled Waste Material based Sensible Thermal Energy Storage for CSP
STAMPE – Space Turbines Additive Manufacturing Performance Evaluation
Digital Twin for smart grid connected buildings
PED StepWise — Participatory Step-by-Step Implementation Process for Zero Carbon District Concepts in Existing Neighbourhoods
ADiSS — Aeroelastic Damping in Separated Flows
MERiT — Methane in Rocket nozzle cooling channels - conjugate heat Transfer measurements
CARE – Cavity Acoustics and Rossiter modEs
SCO2OP-TES – sCO2 Operating Pumped Thermal Energy Storage for grid/industry cooperation
POWDER2POWER (P2P) — MW-scale fluidized particle-driven CSP prototype demonstration
eLITHE – Electrification of ceramic industries high temperature heating equipment
DETECTIVE – Development of a Novel Tube-Bundle-Cavity Linear Receiver for CSP Applications
USES4HEAT – Underground Large Scale Seasonal Energy Storage for Decarbonized and Reliable Heat
ADA – Aggressive Duct Aerodynamics
HECTAPUS — Heating Cooling Transition and Acceleration with Phase Change Energy Utilization Storage
SUSHEAT — Smart Integration of Waste and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Heat Upgrade in the Industry
Analysis of PV system in Sweden
EVAccel — Accelerating the Integration of Electric Vehicles in a Smart and Robust Electricity Infrastructure
Towards Sustainable Energy Communities: A Case Study of Two Swedish Pilot Projects
HYBRIDplus – Advanced HYBRID solar plant with PCM storage solutions in sCO2 cycles
SHARP-SCO2 – Solar Hybrid Air-sCO2 Power Plants
RIHOND – Renewable Industrial Heat On Demand
A turnkey solution for Swedish buildings through integrated PV electricity and energy storage (PV-ESS)
LCA-SESS — A new standard methodology for assessing the environmental impact of stationary energy storage systems
Circular Techno-Economic Analysis of Energy Storage– IEA Annex Co-coordination
Optimization of Molten Salt Electric Heaters
FLEXnCONFU: Flexiblize Combined Cycle Power Plants through Power To-X Solutions using Non-Conventional Fuels
PILOTS4U – A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities
Cavity Purge Flows inside axial turbines
Effective thermal storage systems for competitive Stirling-CSP plants
ENFLOW: Energy flow metering of natural and biogas for residential applications
H2020 Pump Heat
BRISK II – Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II
Improved flue gas condensate treatment in MSW incineration via membrane distillation
Integrated modelling and optimization of coupled electricity and heating networks
Membrane distillation for advanced wastewater treatment in the semiconductor industry
Microgrid for Tezpur University
Smart and Robust Electricity Infrastructure for the Future