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SCO2OP-TES – sCO2 Operating Pumped Thermal Energy Storage for grid/industry cooperation
SCO2OP-TES project aims to develop and validate up to TRL5, in UNIGE lab hosted in Tirreno Power (TP) Vado Ligure Combined Cycle power plant (CCGT), the next generation of Power-to-Heat-to-Power (P2H2P) energy storage solutions. SCO2OP-TES solution is able to guarantee affordable long duration (>10hrs) and large scale energy storage (multi MW/MWh) to facilitate bulky RES integration in EU energy systems as well as to facilitate large scale integration of RES and to convert traditional power plants (CCGT, CHP) – both standalone and those in industrial parks - into flexible renewable energy plants. This will be crucial particularly in a future scenario where their role will be more and more different and industrial process will be more and more electrified.