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Cold Thermal Energy Storage
The present project aims at achieving Sustainable Cooling in thermal comfort range with use of Phase Change Material (PCM) based Cold Thermal Energy Store (TES).
HYBRIDplus – Advanced HYBRID solar plant with PCM storage solutions in sCO2 cycles
HYBRIDplus aims to pioneer the next generation of CSP with an advanced high-density and high-temperature thermal energy storage (TES) system capable of providing a high degree of dispatchability at a low cost and with a much lower environmental burden than the State of the Art. This thermal storage is based on the Phase Change Material (PCM) technology in a cascade configuration that can reproduce the effect of a thermocline and integrates recycled metal wool in its nucleus. This enables hybridization with PV by acting as an electric heater transforming non-dispatchable renewable electricity into thermal stored energy ready to be dispatched when needed. HYBRIDplus proposes a novel concept to hybridize PV+Cascade PCM-TES with CSP configuration based on a high-temperature supercritical CO2 cycle working at 600 ºC. This new plant is called to form the backbone of the next-generation energy system thanks to higher efficiency and lower LCOE than state-of-the-art technology.
HYSTORE - Hybrid services from advanced thermal energy storage systems
The project HYSTORE (nr. 01096789) is a Horizon project where, KTH Royal Institute of technology is developing one of four thermal energy storage (TES) solutions within the project: PCM HEATING solution. This is a pilot-scale TES using phase change materials (PCMs), designed, constructed and techno-economically optimized in combination with a heat pump.