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A new center for edge computing - TECoSA

Large city in night time.
Published Mar 25, 2020

Hi, Martin Törngren who’s organizing the launch of the new competence center TECoSA on March 26th as its director.

Martin Törngren, Director for TECoSA.

What is it like to inaugurate a center when everyone works from home?

“Interesting! We have decided to postpone the gathering and festive parts of the kick-off until we can meet in person. The first general meeting of the center will be carried out as a webex – this is important since we will then get some of the formalities in place and can start working.”

What will this center do?

“The center will be active in the area of “edge-based” cyber-physical systems (CPS). Edge computing is a new computing layer located between the devices/embedded systems and the cloud, at the ’edge of the network’. With an ever increasing amount of connected smart devices and sensors generating a large amount of data, edge-based systems can provide low response times, relieve network capacity and enhance privacy. The main research focus of the center is on how to make edge-based cyber-physical systems (CPS) safe, secure and predictable. “
Why is this important?

”Nearly all conceivable systems are becoming computerized, connected and more automated, and thus increasingly complex. It is very important that these future systems are trustworthy. This is perhaps particularly important for CPS, as strong market forces drive the introduction of these systems, and this might not yield the right level trustworthiness.”
By the way – how’s it going working from home for you? Challenges? Advantages?

”As an academic, we are always prepared to work in any environment. But doing it for such a prolonged time from home is a new experience. It reminds me of the fall 2018 when I was at UC Berkeley for a shorter sabbatical. We then had to stay at home indoors during the devastating forest fires (bad air, closed campus) – but this was not for more than approx. 1,5 week.”

Facts about TECoSA

TECoSA stands for Trustworthy Edge Computing Systems and Applications.

TECoSA is a Vinnova center with 13 industrial partners. Its aim is to provide safe and secure edge computing technology. Edge computing is a new computer level located between the devices/embedded systems and the cloud, on the “edge of the cloud”

Director is Martin Törngren

The center is hosted by the ITM School at KTH, is a close collaboration between ITM and EECS School at KTH, and has its launch on March 26, 2020. 

TECoSA website