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FLS3107 Communicating Research Beyond the Academy, 5 ECTS

Learn how to speak and write so that the non-expert both understands and wants to learn more. Mastering these communication skills is key to a successful research career.

Apply now for FLS3107 Communication Research, Spring 2025


The course is primarily intended for doctoral students who

  • have completed at least one year of their doctoral studies
  • have published at least one article, or are in the process of publishing their first article
  • have good oral proficiency in English

Course information

The course syllabus ('Kursplan') can be found here: FLS3107 Communicating Research Beyond the Academy

Schedule 2025

The course runs on Wednesdays in Weeks 6–9, 12–16, 18 and 20 (11 meetings).


Apply here for Communicating Research Beyond the Academy, Spring 2025.

The application form is open 4 November 2024–20 January 2025. If there are free spots after this date, the form will open again for late applications in January.

Apply as early as possible, since there is only a limited number of spaces. A letter of enrolment will be sent out after the closing date.

Before you start filling in the form: please make sure you have a correct invoice reference, in the format KTHID KTHSCHOOL, or for students at ITM: organisational unit code + project number.

Course fee

9,900 SEK

You might be eligible for the Karl Engver’s grant, which can cover course fees for both this course and others. Read more and apply for the grant here.  Please note that the course fee must still be paid by your department at the start of the course, since the grant is transferred after the course.

Cancellation charges

If you withdraw your application, the following charges apply:

  • 3–4 weeks before the course: 25% of the fee
  • 2–3 weeks before the course: 50% of the fee
  • less than 2 weeks before the course: 100% of the fee. 


Linda Söderlindh
Linda Söderlindh lecturer