Hydrologidagarna 2024
In 2024, “Hydrologidagarna” are organised by KTH with WaterCentre@KTH as part of the organising team. Hydrologidagarna are always coordinated by Svenska hydrologiska rådet - The Swedish hydrological council.
Time: Thu 2024-12-05 09.00 - 16.00
Location: KTH Campus
Past years have explored specific water themes. Recognising the breadth and interconnectedness of water issues, this year’s event will feature a more open format. We encourage experts to contribute knowledge on any water-related subject, from processes, modelling, ecology, energy, drinking water, food, recreation and beyond.
This year’s Hydrologidagarna will feature oral presentations and poster sessions. The final schedule will be announced around November 22.
Coffee and lunch breaks are scheduled for in-depth discussion, meeting new and old colleagues, or taking breaks. Therefore, the conference is an excellent opportunity to share information about ongoing projects, collaborations, and your organisation’s structures and missions.
The event, including coffee and lunch, is free of charge to participants of member organisations. Non-members are kindly asked to contribute with a small fee of 500 SEK to cover the coffee and lunch (per person to be paid before the event).
If you want to participate, please sign up no later than November 17 2023, at 17:00 using this Google Form forms.gle/pDgLXWKA5456hGjr8
We hope to see you and many of your colleagues and look forward to inspiring talks and discussions.
More information will be published on Svenska hydrologiska rådet's website