Open lecture: A world of green nanostructures revealed by synchrotron light
Welcome to a lecture on how nanofibers can be used to create new green sustainable materials. The lecture is organized in connection with Nobel Calling.
Time: Fri 2024-10-11 12.15 - 13.00
Location: Sydöstra galleriet, KTH Library
Language: Swedish
Participating: Tomas Rosén, KTH

Our society is today largely built by advanced materials with a large carbon footprint and a much longer life span than the items we make from them. In this talk, researcher Tomas Rosén will go through how we can use Nature’s own building blocks, so called cellulose nanofibers, to make new green sustainable materials.
The key is to build ordered structures from the nanofibers to control the material properties, and to do so in industrial processes. But how can we control the assembly of nanofibers? And how can we even have a clue of their behavior when they are only a few atoms wide? These are some of the questions that researchers seek answers to in the research conducted at synchrotron light facilities, such as MAX IV in Lund.
No registration. Welcome!
The lecture will be held in Swedish. The first 40 visitors will get a lunch wrap!