Time is running out: can we create a sustainable textile and fashion system?
The University Alliance Stockholm Trio – Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University - is hosting a full-day seminar on how academia, industry and government agencies can work together for a more sustainable textile and fashion system.
Time: Tue 2024-12-03 09.00 - 16.00
Location: KTH, Teknikringen 1
Language: English
The seminar will be held in English and is organised by STSA Fashion, a research network for sustainable fashion, funded by Stockholm Trio´s initiative for sustainable development – Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Actions (STSA).
The registration is closed. For questions, please contact krvo@kth.se .
09:00–09:10 Opening remarks and Welcome
Opening remarks by moderators Kristina von Oelreich, KTH and Hanna Karlsson, Karolinska Institutet.
Welcome by Anders Söderholm, President of KTH.
09:10-10:10Shaping the future of a sustainable textile and fashion industry
Karin Bradley, KTH – Policy Making for Sustainable Consumption: From Efficiency to Sufficiency.
Helena Waker, Stockholm Fashion District – What Can a Fashion District Mean for Sustainable Development?
John Jamal Gille, Association of Swedish Fashion Brands – Heritage to Horizon.
Susanne Nejderås, Science Park Borås – A Sustainable Textile System for Real.
10:10–10:40 Coffee break
10:40-12:00Circularity and regulations
Cecilia Tall, RE:Source at RISE – How Do We Extend the Life of Textile Products? Projects from RESOURCE.
Rebecca Uggla and Yvonne Augustsson, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency – New Legislation for Textiles, Clothing, and Footwear.
Sofia Lingegård, KTH & Anette Svensson, The National Agency for Public Procurement – Circular Public Procurement for Textiles.
Anna-Maria Nyquist, KTH – CSRD: A New Reporting Framework for Sustainability.
Lars Råsberg, Human Bridge Foundation & Pontus Heimerson, Nordic Textile Network –The secondhand business value chain and contribution to a sustainable textile and fashion system.
12:00–12:45 Lunch and poster exhibition
12:45-14:35Short presentations: Chemicals, Materials, and Consumption
Chemicals and new materials
Hanna Karlsson (Karolinska Institutet) & Ulrika Nilsson (Stockholm University) – Towards Sustainable Fashion with Less Hazardous Chemicals in Clothes: A Case Study on Textile Allergy.
Sabina Du Rietz Dahlström, KTH – Ensuring Sustainable Substitution: Lessons from Phasing Out PFAS in Outdoor Clothing.
Fredrik Gröndahl, KTH – Seaweed-Based Fabrics in Textiles: A Sustainable Solution.
Benjamin Schmuck, Karolinska institutet & Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Biomimetic Spinning Process to Manufacture Artificial Spider Silk.
Gunnar Henriksson, KTH – Raw Material Crisis in the Textile Sector?
Judith Waller, Mid Sweden University – Measuring Textile Durability: Challenges and Opportunities.
Sustainable Consumption
Niina Hernández, School of Textiles, University of Borås – Building ‘Sustainable textile future through education, research and co-operation.
Mariko Takedomi Karlsson, Lund University –Sustainability Narratives and Feminism in Swedish Fashion Marketing.
Cecilia Solér, University of Gothenburg – Fashion Shopping as Anxiety Alleviation.
Aleksander Konradi, KTH – Circularity in Down Pillows and Duvets of a Swedish Retail Company.
Anna Dadfar, KTH Innovation – From Innovation to Impact: Inspiring Success Stories.
Vicky Ngari – Weaving the Future: Collaborative Inclusivity for a Sustainable Fashion System.
Vendela Ragnarsson, Ribbn – How Ribbn Helps Resale Businesses Reduce Manual Tasks and Grow with AI.
14:35–14:55 Coffee break
14:55–15:45 Workshop - Next steps for sustainable fashion
15:45–16:00 Summary and concluding remarks
16:00–18:00 Network mingle with light refreshments