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Experiences from ESA Clean Space Training Course 2021

Time: Wed 2021-09-01 13.00 - 14.00

Location: K1, Teknikringen 56, våningsplan 3, KTH Campus

Language: English

Participating: Greta Tartaglia

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This lecture is part of our monthly seminar series and will be hosted in a lecture hall and online using Zoom. The lecture will be given by Greta Tartaglia who was a MSc in Aerospace at KTH. She had a part in the MIST project and want to share her experiences from ESA's Clean Space Training Course and talk mainly about space debris. We hope to see you there!

The lecture will start at 13.15 but the door opens at 13.00.

You can attend on zoom here.


Even being one of the key instruments to study environmental changes of the Earth, the space technology itself needs to have a lower environmental impact on Earth and in space. The clean space process is not only a matter of disposal of dead satellites but needs to be part of every step of the mission: from the preliminary phases of the projects, to the production and the entire lifecycle of space objects. In this lecture I will talk about what are the steps that ESA is taking towards a clean space, illustrating what I had the chance to learn during their Clean Space Training Course 2021 that took place last May.

Page responsible:Ceona Lindstein
Belongs to: KTH Space Center
Last changed: Sep 01, 2021