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Mistra SAMS final conference: Sustainable mobility - Making the change

Welcome to Mistra SAMS final conference on September 10 2024. The main theme of the conference is making change happen, with a focus on insights and initiatives for sustainable and just accessibility and mobility. The conference will also address experiences of prototyping possible futures together with citizens, public and market actors.

Time: Tue 2024-09-10 13.00 - 17.00

Location: Digitalt

Language: English


Magnus Atterfors

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Sweden's climate targets state that we should have no net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, and the EU's climate law sets the same target for 2050 The climate targets require rapid emission reductions, not the least from the transport sector. How can we achieve a fair transition?

The research in Mistra SAMS has been focused on exploring how measures for sustainable mobility and accessibility, such as digitalization, can be applied in ways that contribute to reaching Sweden's climate goals. The research has been carried out by means of transdisciplinary methods in close collaboration among researchers, citizens and public and private actors, and with a focus on imagining and prototyping possible futures by means of a Living Lab approach.

Digital conference
The conference will be held online. During the conference, ConverStations will be organised: digital conversation stations, or mini-roundtables, on specific research results led by Mistra SAMS researchers. You will be able to participate in two of the ConverStations and log in to them in turn. (Scroll down to see a full list of the ConverStations)


13.00 Welcome and introduction

13.10 Key insights on sustainable mobility transformations

Climate demands on transport systems, Mattias Höjer
Prototyping sustainable mobility futures through Designerly Living Labs, Mia Hesselgren
Sustainable travel and sustainable accessibility for different groups, Malin Henriksson
Scaling-up new services – Opportunities and challenges, Anna Kramers
Transformative capacity, experiments and the role of public actors, Claus Hedegaard Sørensen and Kelsey Oldbury
Political leadership for sustainable mobility transformations, Karolina Isaksson and Karin Thoresson

14.45 ConverStations (mini-roundtable discussions) around specific research results, with breakout sessions in zoom

15.45 Concluding panel discussion: Sustainable mobility and access in Nordic main cities.

Marianne Ryghaug, SINTEF and Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Henrik Gudmundsson, CONCITO
Claes Kanold, Ruter
Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren, Department of Political Science, Lund University
Lars Strömgren, City Commissioner for Traffic, City of Stockholm
Hanna Zetterberg, moderator

16.45 Closing of the conference

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Last changed: Jul 04, 2024