SEAM nanosatellite mission: scientific objectives, instrumentation and operation
The SEAM project is funded within the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
Time: Wed 2015-09-02 13.15 - 14.00
Location: Sal FA31, AlbaNova Universitetscentrum, Roslagstullsbacken 21, Stockholm
under grant agreement no 607197. Our consortium develops a 3U CubeSat – Small Explorer for Advanced Missions (SEAM) – for space physics research. We will demonstrate in flight a concept of an electromagnetically clean nanosatellite with precision attitude determination, flexible autonomous data acquisition system, high-bandwidth telemetry and an integrated solution for ground control and data handling.
Scientifically, the SEAM satellite will conduct high performance measurements of magnetic field on a nanosatellite. Working together with other active satellites and ground-based facilities, the satellite will contribute to monitoring the space-weather relevant parameters, such as the structure of the auroral currents, and the ELF/VLF wave activity, allowing to address the distribution of the cold plasma in the plasmasphere by analyzing the dispersion of whistler waves, and to monitor the aurorally generated ELF/VLF waves.
In this presentation we report on the aspects of the satellite central for the science mission: the magnetic sensors, deployable booms and magnetic cleanliness approach to reduce the satellite’s own disturbances. Results of engineering model testing are reported here as well. We also touch upon the operation plan.