Register with the Swedish Tax Agency
If you are here for a year or more, the first step is to register at the Swedish Tax Agency as soon as you arrive at KTH.
Personal Identity Number (personnummer)
If you are planning to stay in Sweden for a year or more, you and all your accompanying family members will need to visit Statens Servicecenter in person once you arrive in Sweden, in order to register for a ten-digit Swedish personal identity number (personnummer). Find out what you need to bring and fill in the form below before your visit.
Find out what you need to bring to Statens Servicecenter
Prepare the form Moving to Sweden before seeing the Statens Servicecenter
How to find Statens Servicecenter
Swedish ID card
Once you have your personal number, you will need to apply for an ID card. You may need the ID card to open a bank account, among other things. You must book an appointment beforehand and apply in person, at Statens Servicecenter.
The Tax Agency's ID card application conditions
Book an appointment for an ID card at Statens Servicecenter
Visa/Residence Permit for EU/EEA Citizens
If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, you and your family members do not need a Visa nor a Residence Permit, just make sure you have current passports. You will need to visit Statens Servicecenter once you arrive, in order to apply for a personnummer, as above. Make sure you are traveling to Sweden with your blue EU health card, regardless of how long you plan to stay in Sweden. You will need to get this card in the EU country you are currently residing in, and it should be valid for one year, from your arrival in Sweden.
Tax relief for foreign key personnel
Foreign key personnel – executives, experts, researchers, and others – may qualify for special tax relief when working in Sweden. You must submit your application within three months of the start of your employment.
Dual residence
If you are going to be employed by KTH, and pay tax in Sweden, you may apply for a tax reduction, due to dual residence, if you keep a residence outside of Sweden.