Spotlight on Research
Who has been granted funding and from whom? Who has received an award? Who has had their work published – and in which publication? "Spotlight on Research"
presents a selection of news items about the successful work of KTH researchers.
Money to KTH for sustainable sports
The Swedish research foundation Mistra has been granted funding for an extensive four-year research programme on sustainable outdoor activities and sport s. The total amount is SEK 56 million and three KTH researchers – Ann Legeby , Sverker Sörlin and Sara Borgström – have been granted SEK 8.4 million over a four-year period. The objective is to place Swedish research in a leading position on the international arena, start up a movement for sustainable practices and establish a network-based centre for research, development and policy support on sustainable solutions within sports and outdoor activities. In order to bring together as wide a range of expertise as possible, KTH is collaborating with Mid Sweden University (which is heading the programme), Malmö University, University of Gothenburg, Dalarna University, Chalmers University of Technology and Stockholm University.
Helmet researcher from KTH receives the Polhem Prize
MIPS is a form of technology for helmets that imitates the brain’s own protection system and reduces the risk of brain damage. Now the research trio behind that helmet technology – Peter Halldin , Hans von Holst and Svein Kleiven – have been awarded the 2019 Polhem Prize which includes SEK 250,000. Some of the previous winners of the prize are Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munthers for the refrigerator (1925), Ove Fernö for the smoking cessation aid Nicorette (1987) and Håkan Lans for GPS (1995). The Polhem Prize was founded in 1876 in memory of the Swedish inventor Christopher Polhem (1661-1751).
Prize for the best article on drinking water
Prosun Bhattacharya and Mohammed Hossain at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment recently won the TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2019 . They were awarded the prize for their article "Sediment color tool for targeting arsenic-safe aquifiers for the installation of shallow drinking water tubewells". The jury's reasoning for the award was that the article "was regarded as being highly comprehensive, of academic relevance, original and, above all, of great practical use". Moreover, it was the only publication that was ranked among the top 4 by all members of the jury. The article is part of the research project " Sustainable Arsenic Mitigation ".
Young researcher presents freshwater research during the Nobel week
Johan Norstrand , doctoral student at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is representing KTH at this year’s Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS), a programme which is organised every year by Förbundet Unga Forskare. At SIYSS, 25 of the world’s best young researchers present their own research projects and also participate in exciting activities and exclusive events during the Nobel week. Johan Norstrand, who has a Master’s degree in nanotechnology, will be talking about his research where he investigates the possibility of making the production of freshwater both cheaper and more accessible.
Text: Peter Ardell