KTH behind 17 of Sweden's 100 most innovative research projects

Seventeen of the most innovative research projects in Sweden have KTH origins. Today, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) published their list of projects with large potential of creating impact. These are the projects from KTH that made the list.
On their so-called 100-list, IVA highlights diverse research projects from Swedish research and education institutions, this year with a special focus on sustainable development. The projects on the list all have potential of creating impact in a foreseeable future, for example through commercialization, business or method development, or societal impact.
The list includes no less than seventeen KTH-affiliated projects (the highest number of all institutions represented), and most of those are or have been supported by KTH Innovation.
- That KTH has so many projects on the list really shows how good our researchers are in creating impact from their research, says Lisa Ericsson, Head of KTH Innovation. KTH research has huge potential to contribute to sustainable development.
Nanotechnology-based water purification
One of the projects that made the list is Nanowater, a smart nanotechnology-based water purification technology developed by Joydeep Dutta, Professor in Material and Nanyphysics at the School of Engineering Sciences. Four years ago, Joydeep Dutta contacted KTH Innovation for support in commercializing the technology that is clean, energy efficient and environmentally friendly. A few years later, he founded the spinoff company Stockholm Water Technology .
- We’ve just sold our first units, so we’re very excited about that, says Joydeep Dutta. KTH Innovation has been a great support on the way, and making the list exhibits that our hard work is starting to pay off.
Increasing Sweden's competitive edge
A selection of researchers on the list have been invited to IVA’s Research2Business Summit, where they will get the opportunity to present and discuss their research with other researchers and companies.
- By building bridges between the research and business worlds, we give research with the potential of changing the world better chances to come to use and increase Sweden’s competitive edge, says Malin Mohr, Project Manager at IVA.
Create impact from your own research
Do you want to find out how KTH Innovation can help you to create impact from your own research? Send us an email on innovation@kth.se and we’ll set up a short meeting.
You don’t necessarily need to have a clear idea of how or in what area your research could be implemented. If you have a research result, can show us an article or presentation or just send us a short description of your research, you’ll give us enough to get started.
These are the projects with KTH origin
Yifang Ban, Andrea Nascetti & Puzhao Zhang
Smarta arbetskläder för hållbar arbetshälsa
Farhad Abtahi, Tekn Dr; Jörgen Eklund, Professor Em; Mikael Forsman, Professor; Kaj Lindecrantz; Professor Em; Fernando Seoane Martinez, Professor
Superstarka trådar från nanocellulosa
Karl Håkansson, Dr, Daniel Söderberg, Prof, Andreas Fall, Dr & Fredrik Lundell, Prof
Gyözö Gidofalvi, Assoc. Prof. / Pi (Ceo / Cso); Can Yang, Phd Student / Research Engineer (Cto)
Andreas Sjölander, Doktorand; Andrea Nascetti, Forskare; Valeria Belloni, Doktorand, Roberta Ravanelli, Forskare
Ivan Stenius
Mistra TerraClean
Ulrica Edlund / Mistra Terraclean
Zeynep Cetecioglu Gurol
Francisco Vilaplana, Associate Professor in Carbohydrate Biotechnology
Joydeep Dutta
Intelligent packning med automatisk frekvensstyrning – mot en hållbar infrastruktur
Carl Wersäll, forskare, Tekn. Dr.
Fredrik Gröndahl (Docent), Projektledare, Henrik Pavia, (Professor), Ingrid Undeland (Professor), Ulrica Edlund (Professor), Ulrika Welander (Professor), Eva Albers (Docent), Göran Nylund (Forskare), Gunnar Cervin (Forskare) Plus Doktorander Och Post.Doc.
Mistra SAMS (Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility Services)
Anna Kramers Phd Programchef Mistra Sams, Teo Enlund Lektor Teknisk Design, Tina Ringensson Doktorand, Martin Sjöman Doktorand, Bhavana Vaddadi Doktorand, Peter Arnfalk Lektor
Edith Ngai (Associate Professor, Uppsala University), Markus Hidell (Associate Professor, Kth), Bengt Ahlgren (Rise)
Pedro Réu
Mikael Lindström, Professor, Gunnar Henriksson, Professor, Christofer Lindgren, Doktor, Tahani Kaldéus, Doktor
Strukturella batterier
Leif Asp, Professor; Fang Liu, Docent; Johanna Xu, Post-Doc; David Carlstedt, Doktorand; Shanghong Duan, Doktorand; Marcus Johansen, Doktorand; Dan Zenkert, Professor; Göran Lindbergh, Professor; Mats Johansson, Professor; Karl Buton, Doktorand.
Information från IVA. Find the full list here.
Text: Lisa Bäckman