Career paths at AkzoNobel
Olympic medalist and M.Sc. engineer at AkzoNobel – how do you manage both?
Time: Thu 2022-11-03 12.15 - 13.00
Location: Zoom
How do you combine education or a working career together with an Olympic career?
Making it through a degree program at KTH is not easy, nonetheless while chasing Olympic dreams on the side. In this lunch seminar you will hear about the journey of an Olympic medalist who recently graduated from KTH and now is combining curling and engineering at AkzoNobel. During the seminar you will also get a short presentation of AkzoNobel - our organization, values, different career paths and how we together make the world a more colorful place.

The seminar will be held by KTH-alumni Almida de Val, 2022 Olympic Bronze medalist in curling and software and automation engineer at AkzoNobel, together with Karolina Möller, Junior Talent Acquisition Partner Nordics.

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