Codes of conduct in a consensus society
Codes of conduct in the workplace: what is expected from you as an employee?
Free lunch sandwich for early birds.
Time: Tue 2022-09-13 12.15 - 13.00
Location: KTH entré, Drottning Kristinas väg 4, second floor
Language: English
Participating: Sofi Granberg
The Swedish society is one where acting low-key is valued. But how do you land the job you apply for and how do you pursue career if you cannot highlight your accomplishments properly?
This lunch seminar focuses on topics such as how to introduce yourself both in your CV and in the recruiting interview. Moreover, we will discuss typical attitudes and employees’ approach in a society characterized by consensus.
The seminars will be held by Sofi Granberg, language teacher and intercultural coach since 2005. One occurent mission has been the KTH programme addressing international post-docs: The Swedish language and Swedish work culture. Within said programme Sofi offers workshops on the topic ”The Swedish language, society and work life”.