Go West! Find your career in small town Sweden
Do you want to work in Sweden after your studies but aren’t sure if Stockholm is for you? Do you value closeness to nature, a simpler life and more space? Is community, safety and affordability important to you? Then consider setting your sights westward!
Time: Thu 2022-09-29 12.15 - 13.00
Location: Zoom
Language: English
Participating: Thermia, Volvo Construction Equipment, NEKTAB, Tickster
Along Sweden’s southwestern boarder with Norway and just a hop, skip and a jump away (ok, 2 hours…) from Oslo you will find western Värmland – directly translated ”warm land”. And while the temperature is about the same as Stockholm the people are indeed warmer!
Join our webinar to hear what a few of the high-tech companies from our region have to offer potential employees! With growing companies, cutting edge industry and a global corporate prescence, western Värmland has a lot to offer degree holders from KTH.

Thermia: An industry leader and rapidly growing pioneer in the production and distribution of geothermal energy products across Europe. Born and based in Arvika, Thermia is hiring engineers.

Volvo Construction Equipment: Volvo needs no introduction. Its factory in Arvika employs 1,000 people and specializes in the production of large wheel loaders , as well as rear frames, front frames and boom unit systems. Volvo in Arvika is hiring engineers.

NEKTAB: An entrepreneurial company that that provides high-quality manufactured products utilized to build and maintain Sweden’s power grid. With headquarters in Arvika and offices in 18 cities across Sweden the company is looking for electrical engineers, GIS-specialists, foresters, biologists and plant designers.

Tickster: Born out of the once annual rock festival ”Arvika festivalen” the company has grown to be Sweden’s biggest ticket selling system with over 4,000 event planners as clients. A Tickster ticket is sold every 5 seconds and the company is looking for IT-talent to grow the team and keep up with demand.
So don’t miss this chance to hear from and meet some companies from our region. Sign up today and stay tuned for the full list of employers you will meet!