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On this page, the course coordinator or examiner will publish course analyses with course data for a course offering. When the course analysis has been published, the course data, the course memo, and the course syllabus are displayed. All course syllabuses and course memos are shown on the page Archive.

The information can help prospective, current, and former students with course selection, or to follow up on their own participation. Teachers, course coordinators, examiners, etc. can use the page as support in course development.


When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.


HT 2023-50905 ( Startdatum 2023-08-28, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2020 - )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2023-50905Course analysis: 21 Feb 2024
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Mats Ahmadi Götelid

Mats Ahmadi Götelid, Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

58.6 %

Nya lärare (4 st) täcker tidigare lärare på föräldraledighet, annars har upplägget varit detsamma.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

21 Feb 2024

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


HT 2022-50588 ( Startdatum 2022-08-29, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2020 - )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2022-50588Course analysis: 22 Sept 2023
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Jonas Sellberg

Mats Ahmadi Götelid, Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

51.4 %

Went back to traditional lectures on site without required preparations

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

22 Sept 2023

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


HT 2021-1 ( Startdatum 2021-08-30, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2020 - )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2021-50717Course analysis: 30 Aug 2022
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Jonas Sellberg

Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

48.2 %

Changed home assignments from MasteringPhysics to fully Canvas-based (problem assignments and quizzes), taught most lectures using a Zoom-based flipped-classroom seminar format with asynchronous video material pre-recorded for all lectures.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

30 Aug 2022

Last time changed

30 Aug 2022

Comments to changes in course data or course analysis after publishing

Corrected "summary of changes before course offering".


HT 2020-1 ( Startdatum 2020-08-24, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2020 - )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2020-50311Course analysis: 7 May 2021
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Jonas Sellberg

Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

48.4 %

Changed the exam design to consist of an A part (pass/fail, mandatory) and a B part (higher grades, optional). Lectures and problem sessions were given in a blended format (1/3 of students on campus, rest via Zoom). Asynchronous videos were made available for all lectures on Canvas. The exam (and re-exam) was given as a written Zoom exam remotely.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

25 May 2021

Last time changed

15 Jun 2021

Comments to changes in course data or course analysis after publishing

Fixed a typo in graph over grades where legends were not visible.


HT 2019-1 ( Startdatum 2019-08-26, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2016 - Spring 2020 )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2019-50146Course analysis: 11 Aug 2020
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Jonas Sellberg

Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

46.5 %

Peter Unsbo took over after Gunnar Björk as lecturer. Jonas Sellberg taught electromagnetism and Peter Unsbo taught acoustics and optics. Extended problem tutorials to 2 assistants for 2 hours per week. Introduced 2 physics problem tutorials during the freshman weeks (mottagningen). Introduced two meetings with student advisory council (kursnämnd) for students to be able to give feedback to both teachers during the course.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

1 Dec 2020

Last time changed

1 Dec 2020

Comments to changes in course data or course analysis after publishing

korrigerat kurs-PM till rätt upplaga


HT 2018-1 ( Startdatum 2018-08-27, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2016 - Spring 2020 )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2018-50241Course analysis: 18 Aug 2019
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Jonas Sellberg

Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

26.1 %

Jonas Sellberg took over course responsibility from Gunnar Björk. Added one lecture to separate Gauss law and electric potential to 2 lectures. Moved the acoustics part of the course to after the electromagnetism part. Problem tutorials were included in scheduled teaching and learning activities.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

2 Mar 2020

Last time changed

No changes since first published.


HT 2017-1 ( Startdatum 2017-08-28, Svenska )

Course syllabus SK1115 ( Autumn 2016 - Spring 2020 )Course memo SK1115 Autumn 2017-50500Course analysis: 27 Apr 2018
Coordinator Examiners Students Examination Result Changes of the course before this course offering

Gunnar Björk

Jonas Sellberg


INL1 (1,5) P, F

LAB1 (1,5) P, F

TEN1 (4,5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

41.1 %

Jonas Sellberg took over after Katia Gallo as lecturer in acoustics and optics. Changed to Canvas learning management system.

Course data has been registered manually

Additional data about the course analysis

The course analysis applies to following course offerings

Compulsory within programme

Published first time

2 Mar 2020

Last time changed

No changes since first published.