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Coline Emprin: Kaledin classes and formality criteria

Time: Fri 2024-12-20 11.00 - 12.00

Location: Cramer room, Albano

Participating: Coline Emprin (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord & ENS Paris)

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A differential graded algebraic structure A (e.g. an associative algebra, a Lie algebra, an operad, etc.) is formal if it is related to its homology H(A) by a zig-zag of quasi-isomorphisms preserving the algebraic structure. Kaledin classes were introduced as an obstruction theory fully characterizing the formality of associative algebras over a characteristic zero field. In this talk, I will present a generalization of Kaledin classes to any coefficients ring, to other algebraic structures (encoded by operads, possibly colored, or by properads), and to address a more general problem: the existence of homotopy equivalences between algebraic structures. I will prove new formality criteria based on this obstruction theory, presenting applications in several domains such as algebraic geometry, representation theory and mathematical physics.