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Young Topologists Meeting 2025

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An annual conference for graduate students and early researchers in pure and applied topology

Time: Mon 2025-06-23 - Fri 2025-06-27

Location: KTH Royal Institute of Technology/Stockholm University

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The Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) is an annual conference for graduate students, recent PhDs, and other junior researchers in topology, both pure and applied. This year, it is jointly organized by Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Previous editions of the conference have been organized by the University of Münster, EPFL, the University of Copenhagen, and Stockholm University/KTH.

This yearly meeting is an opportunity for young researchers in topology to share their work and make new connections. In addition to short talks given by the participants and a poster session, the program features three guest lecture series, by Frédéric Chazal  (Inria Saclay), Manuel Krannich  (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), and Maria Yakerson  (Oxford University/IMJ-PRG).

The conference is organized in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute , and is supported by Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien , the Wenner-Gren Foundations , the G. S. Magnuson Foundation, the K-Theory Fondation , Stockholms Matematikcentrum , KTH , and SU .

Download the poster and share it at your institution! poster (pdf 5.5 MB)