TEDxKTH Salon: Designing the Future – AI's Role in Art, Creativity, and Architecture
Artificiell intelligens (AI) har revolutionerat många branscher och kreativa områden. Konst, musik och arkitektur är inget undantag. Kan AI inspirera oss att bli mer kreativa? Eller saknar AI-genererad konst, musik och arkitektur originalitet och mänsklig kreativitet?
Här kan du se inspelningen från TEDxKTH Salon.
Mer information om evenemanget
När? Torsdag 16 november 2023, 14.15–17.15 Var? Ångdomen, KTH Biblioteket, Osquars backe 31 och via Zoom
Artificiell intelligens (AI) har revolutionerat många branscher och kreativa områden. Konst, musik och arkitektur är inget undantag. Kan AI inspirera oss att bli mer kreativa? Eller saknar AI-genererad konst, musik och arkitektur originalitet och mänsklig kreativitet?
Välkomna till detta TEDxKTH Salon där vi diskuterar möjligheter och utmaningar med AI och kreativitet. Du kommer även att få lyssna till AI-genererad musik och uppleva AI-genererad konst.
Det här är det åttonde TEDxKTH Salon som KTH Biblioteket arrangerar och vi är extra glada över att Tekniska Museet är samarbetspartner för det här eventet. Tekniska museet tar i pausen med dig på en resa i rymden de visar hur storytelling kan användas i Open Space, stationen leds av Jesper Wallerborg och Alex Kaminska. Magdalena Tafvelin Helder och Emilie Sabel håller i en mini-workshop om etik och existens med hjälp av Tekniska museets etikmaskin.
14.15 Film från TEDx
14.25 Inledning av moderator Binette Seck
14.30 AI-genererad musik av David Dalmazzo, Luca Casini och Laura Cros Vila.
De visar en video om processen, berättar om sitt arbete och spelar AI-genererad musik.
14.55 Tal 1: "Introducing Political Ecology of Artistic Creation with AI", André Holzapfel, KTH
15.10 Tal 2: “The architecture of Wisdome Stockholm”, Astrid Stenberg, Tekniska Museet
15.25 Tal 3: "What if AI helped you live in the place of your dreams?", Ingrid Campo Ruiz, KTH
15.40 Tal 4: "Art, Language, and AI: An Analysis", Avid Fayaz, KTH AI Society
15.55–16.25 Fika och paus 30 min – Tekniska museet
Tekniska museet tar med dig på en resa i rymden. De visar hur storytelling kan användas i Open Space, stationen leds av Alex Kaminska (sci-fi-författare och narrativ speldesigner) och Jesper Wallerborg. Magdalena Tafvelin Helder och Emilie Sabel håller i en mini-workshop om etik och existens med hjälp av Tekniska museets etikmaskin.
16.25–17.10 Diskussion (45 min). En paneldiskussion med alla talare, plus inbjuden gäst (Hedvig Kjellström) samt moderator, svarar på frågor från publiken (via Menti). Diskussionen tas vidare om AI inom arkitektur, konst, musik och kreativitet.
17.10–17.15 Avslutning (5 min). Summering av evenemanget och framtidsperspektiv för AI inom arkitektur, konst, musik.
André Holzapfel
André Holzapfel is Associate Professor of Media Technology at KTH. He holds one PhD degree in Computer Science, and a second PhD degree in Ethnomusicology. His research focuses on the intersection between music and technology, for instance by using computational analyses in studies of music corpora, or investigating the development of technology for creative purposes.
Astrid Stenberg
Astrid Stenberg has a design competence that ranges from theatre to architecture. She now manages Wisdome Stockholm at Tekniska, a building project that challenges what is possible to build in wood. Architects Elding Oscarson won the competition and Blumer Lehmann made it possible on site. Traditional craftsmanship meets advanced technology.
Ingrid Campo Ruiz
Ingrid Campo Ruiz’ research focuses on architecture, artificial intelligence, and their social and environmental impact. She is developing strategies to enhance social inclusion and preserve the environment in the places we live in, incorporating machine learning.
Avid Fayaz från KTH AI Society
Avid Fayaz studies computer science at KTH and is the head of education at the KTH AI Society. He is also the host of The AI Pod, a scientific podcast focused on studying the impacts of artificial intelligence.
Binette Seck, moderator
Binette is a social entrepreneur and Obama Leader 2023, is dedicated to democratizing tech worldwide. As the co-founder of ChangersTech and partner at iCog Anyone Can Code, she empowers tens of thousands of young adults from under-resourced communities, granting them access to transformative tech education and opportunities. Binette’s journey as a black woman from humble beginnings in Tensta, Stockholm and Dakar has inspired her to become an influential leader in the Swedish tech scene. Recognized as the IT Woman of the Year 2021, Binette advocates for sustainable inclusivity, authentic leadership, and lasting impact. She humbly strives to make a difference in the lives of future generations.
David Dalmazzo, musiker
Researcher, musician, and programmer. David received the Margarita Salas grant in 2021 and is currently a postdoc in the division of Speech, Music, and Hearing at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden. Researching in the domain of Music and Artificial Intelligence under the MUSAiC project directed by Bob L. T. Sturm. His project focuses on modeling harmonic trajectories by implementing natural language processing models such as GPT using western-music corpora of several songs in various styles.
Laura Cros Vila, musiker
Laura is a PhD candidate at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. She is part of the MUSAiC project, an interdisciplinary research venture confronting questions and challenges at the frontier of the AI disruption of music. Her background is in Machine Learning and Signal Processing. Her research in MUSAiC is focused on music analysis, machine listening, music cognition and model explainability, as well as playing the flute.
Luca Casini, musiker
Luca recently obtained a PhD in Data Science from the University of Bologna with a thesis on Human-centered AI and is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at KTH. Combining his longtime interest for science and music, he is part of the MUSAiC project, led by prof. Bob Sturm, studying Artificial Intelligence for music creation, especially generation in the symbolic domain.