Må 20 maj - Fr 31 maj
Kalenderhändelser saknas för aktuell period.
Kommande kalenderhändelser:
Elektrisk mätteknik
fredag 2013-09-06, 10.00
Plats: KTH main campus, Lecture hall F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26
Respondent: Martin Lapisa , Micro and Nanosystems
2013-09-06T10:00:00.899+02:00 2013-09-06T10:00:00.899+02:00 Wafer-level 3-D CMOS Integration of Very-large-scale Silicon Micromirror Arrays and Room-temperature Wafer-level Packaging (Disputationer) KTH main campus, Lecture hall F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Wafer-level 3-D CMOS Integration of Very-large-scale Silicon Micromirror Arrays and Room-temperature Wafer-level Packaging (Disputationer) -
onsdag 2013-09-18, 10.00 - 12.00
Plats: Sal F3, Lindstedsvägen 26
Respondent: Ms Chunqing Huo
2013-09-18T10:00:00.581+02:00 2013-09-18T12:00:00.581+02:00 Modeling and Experimental Studies of High Power Impulse Sputtering Discharges (Disputationer) Sal F3, Lindstedsvägen 26 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Modeling and Experimental Studies of High Power Impulse Sputtering Discharges (Disputationer) -
Electrical engineering
fr 2013-10-25, 10.00 - ti 2013-10-22, 19.00
Plats: KTH main campus, Lecture hall Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8
Respondent: Fredrik Forsberg , Micro and Nanosystems
2013-10-25T10:00:00.020+02:00 2013-10-22T19:00:28.020+02:00 Heterogeneous Material Integration for MEMS (Disputationer) KTH main campus, Lecture hall Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Heterogeneous Material Integration for MEMS (Disputationer)