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Publications by Ludvig Adlercreutz

Peer reviewed


L. Adlercreutz et al., "Correlating particle number emissions to the rotation of the piston ring," SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, vol. 16, no. 3, 2023.

Conference papers

F. Ainouz et al., "Correlation of oil originating particle emissions and knock in a PFI HD SI engine fueled with methanol," in 16th International Conference on Engines and Vehicles, SAE, 10-14 September, 2023, Capri, Naples, Italy, 2023.
P. A. Risberg et al., "Development of a heavy duty nozzle coking test," in SAE Technical Papers, 2013.

Non-peer reviewed


L. Adlercreutz, "On Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines : A study of biodiesel, gaseous methane and methanol," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2022:36, 2022.
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