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In the News feed, you find updates for pages, schedule and posts from teachers (when aimed also at earlier registered students).
March 2017
Hi all!
The projects are now corrected - all projects submitted through the web are accepted. The top projects are from Aditya, Vaseilieios, Goutham and Hoang.
Thanks for all the project submissions! Most probably results will come together or bit before the exam results.
Hi all! The consultation before the exam will be on Friday, 10am-11am at the Department of Network and Systems Engineering, Osquldas vag 6, floor 4, large seminar room.
How does the consultation work: you need to come with prepared questions, and we will try to answer them. Please come at 10am, If noone shows up, we cancel the consultation.
January 2017
If you are eager to start to work on the second home assignment: it is now available on the web. Right now you should be able to solve the first two problems.
April 2016
Hi! I have now graded the exams, the results are ready to be published. However, I have not received enough course evaluations yet. Please fill in the evaluation, if you have not done it yet.
March 2016
Consultation, Monday, March 21, 9:30.
Do not forget the consultation opportunity on Monday. We meet at the Laboratory for Communication Networks, Osquldas vag 6, floor 4. Come on time, I will let you in at the door on the 4th floor, at 9:30.
Consultation before the exam:
The consultation before the exam will be on Monday March 21, 9:30-11 at the Laboratory for Communication Networks, Osquldas vag 6, floor 4. Come on time, I will pick you up at the door on the 4th floor, at 9:30.
Project 2:
Hi! There seems to be a bit of confusion around project 2. Please note, that you do not need to give analytic results for the system, M/G/1/K systems are hard to analyse. However, you need to give analytic model under the simplifying assumptions, and compare the analytic and simulation results.
Thanks for all the comments on errors in the first project description. I have now added some comments on these in the text.
Hi! I have various news:
Home assignment: second home assignment is graded, results visible under VT2016 / Assignments
Project: please see the update on how to submit the final project - through the web, under Assignments
Consultation: there will be one consultation before the exam. Possible times are:
- March 18, 10-12 or 13-15
- March 21, 9:30-11
- March 22, 10-12
Please comment, especially, if you want to come! You should come prepared with questions, and on time. The consultation is cancelled if noone shows up in the first 15 minutes.
February 2016
Hi All!
The first home assignment is graded (pass/fail) now, registered students should be able to see the result on the KTH web.
If you see that your home assignment is not graded, then you have not submitted it, or I can not find it... In both cases contact me as soon as possible. Last day I accept late submissions is Monday, Feb 15.
You will get back your submission on Monday and I will also post the solutions on the web the same day.
The second home assignment problems are now uploaded! They cover material up to M/M/m systems, but you can already solve the first problems.
March 2015
Thank you for all the submitted project reports. I plan to look at the reports and also report the exam grades in the first days of April.
Hi again! Some reminders for the exam on Monday March 16:
- Registration is compulsory, and you should have received a mail with the room you will sit. If this has not happened, write to STEX ( and come to the exam anyway, there are usually free seats.
- You can bring calculator and Beta handbook. With the exam problems you will also get the same formula sheet as the one in the compendium and on the webpage, a table with Laplace transforms, and Erlang tables.
See you on Monday.
Hi! Some news towards the end of the course:
1) Consultation: March 12, 15-17 at the Laboratory of Communication Networks, located at Osquldas vag 6, floor 4 (the building of the Q restaurant). You can come any time during these hours, with prepared questions.
2) Do not forget the project, new submission deadline is on the web. Project 1 has been extended with some explanatory text.
3) Please fill in the course evaluation form. You need to log in to see it under VT2015.
Someone left some QT notes in the lecture room at March 4. I have them. Send me a mail if they are yours.
Project deadline is extended to Monday, March 23.
Home assignment: you can find the list of students with accepted home assignments under VT 2015, Course admin lists. You need to log in to KTH to see the page. Home assignment solutions are uploaded under Homework.
February 2015
As many of you noticed, there are some errors in the formulation of Project 1. I am sorry for this, correction is coming soon.
Since you need the theory of queuing networks for one of the projects, I switch the order of the last two topics. First we discuss queuing networks, and the last lecture material will be vacation and priority in M/G/1 queues.
The rescheduled lecture and recitation will be on Wednesday March 4 10:15-12 and Thursday March 5 10:15-12. Both of these will be dedicated to problem solving. I will announce to room later. Welcome!
Dear all, the project descriptions are now uploaded. Please see under Project.
Hi! For you who do not have the course compendium. The selected parts from the Kleinrock book, covering Er-Hr, are now available under the Lectures page. You have to log in to see the sub-page.
Due to travels I have to cancel the lecture and recitation on Feb. 25 and 26. Instead we will have an additional lecture and a recitation on two of the days of March 4,5,6. Both of them are reserved for exam problem solving. You can send me a note if you do not want to miss these, and some time slots do not work for you.
The homework problems are now available under "Homework". Submission deadline Feb. 16. Please follow the submission instructions!
Hi! The course compendium is now available at the STEX office. It costs 100SEK.
Recitation 1: I uploaded the material of the first recitation. You can find it on the Recitations page.
Although I doubt that this is the reason for the lack of evaluations, I just saw that the course evaluation webpage is not available:
The course evaluation form is open until end of March.