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The game of Pong

In this lecture we're going to implement the game of Pong. E will use a Javascript front-end that runs in the browser and then program a game engine in Elixir that can run on a server.

Before the lecture you should download the following files.

During the lecture we will try to make the server work.

Administrator Johan Montelius created page 19 February 2020

Johan Montelius edited 19 February 2020

In this lecture we're going to implement the game of Pong. E will use a Javascript front-end that runs in the browser and then program a game engine in Elixir that can run on a server.

Before the lecture you should download the following files.

* pong.ex
* session.ex
* game.ex
* websocket.ex
* pong.html
* pong.js
During the lecture we will try to make the server work.