/* smartlock.c question and answer, compare strings and unlock */ /* B Knudsen Cc5x C-compiler - not ANSI-C */ #include "16F690.h" #pragma config |= 0x00D4 #define MAX_STRING 16 /* Function prototypes */ void initserial( void ); void putchar( char ); char getchar( void ); /* Special! nonblocking when card removed */ void OverrunRecover(void); void string_in( char * ); /* no extra echo, local echo by connection */ void string_out( const char * string ); bit check_password( char * input_string, const char * candidate_string ); void delay( char ); void main( void) { char i, c, d, charCount, trash; char input_string[MAX_STRING]; bit compare; TRISA.0 = 1; /* RA0 not to disturb PK2 UART Tool */ ANSEL.0 = 0; /* RA0 digital input */ TRISA.1 = 1; /* RA1 not to disturb PK2 UART Tool */ ANSEL.1 = 0; /* RA1 digital input */ initserial(); TRISC.3 = 1; /* RC3 card contact is input */ ANSEL.7 = 0; /* RC3 digital input */ TRISC.2 = 0; /* RC2 lock (lightdiode) is output */ PORTC.2 = 0; /* RC2 initially locked */ while(1) { while( PORTC.3 == 0) ; /* wait for card insertion */ delay(100); /* card debounce */ delay(50); /* extra delay */ /* ask the question */ string_out( "who is it?\r\n"); delay(100); /* USART is buffered, so wait until all chars sent */ /* empty the reciever FIFO, it's now full with garbage */ OverrunRecover(); /* get the answer string from the card */ string_in( &input_string[0] ); /* Compare the answer string with the correct answer */ compare = check_password( &input_string[0], "me, please open" ); if( compare == 1) PORTC.2 = 1; /* unlock, the answer is correct */ delay(100); /* extra delay */ while( PORTC.3 == 1); /* wait for card removal */ delay(10); PORTC.2 = 0; /* lock again now when card is out */ delay(100); /* card debounce */ } } /******************** FUNCTIONS ========= *********************/ void initserial( void ) /* initialise PIC16F690 serialcom port */ { /* One start bit, one stop bit, 8 data bit, no parity. 9600 Baud. */ TXEN = 1; /* transmit enable */ SYNC = 0; /* asynchronous operation */ TX9 = 0; /* 8 bit transmission */ SPEN = 1; BRGH = 0; /* settings for 6800 Baud */ BRG16 = 1; /* @ 4 MHz-clock frequency */ SPBRG = 25; CREN = 1; /* Continuous receive */ RX9 = 0; /* 8 bit reception */ ANSELH.3 = 0; /* RB5 digital input for serial_in */ } void OverrunRecover(void) { char trash; trash = RCREG; trash = RCREG; CREN = 0; CREN = 1; } void putchar( char d_out ) /* sends one char */ { while (!TXIF) ; /* wait until previus character transmitted */ TXREG = d_out; return; /* done */ } char getchar( void ) /* recieves one char */ { char d_in = '\r'; while ( !RCIF && PORTC.4 ) ; /* wait for character or card removal */ if(!RCIF) return d_in; d_in = RCREG; return d_in; } void string_in( char * string ) { char charCount, c; for( charCount = 0; ; charCount++ ) { c = getchar( ); /* input 1 character */ string[charCount] = c; /* store the character */ // putchar( c ); /* don't echo the character */ if( (charCount == (MAX_STRING-1))||(c=='\r' )) /* end of input */ { string[charCount] = '\0'; /* add "end of string" */ return; } } } void string_out(const char * string ) { char i, k; for(i = 0 ; ; i++) { k = string[i]; if( k == '\0') return; /* found end of string */ putchar(k); } return; } bit check_password( char * input_string, const char * candidate_string ) { /* compares input with the candidate string */ char i, c, d; for(i=0; ; i++) { c = input_string[i]; d = candidate_string[i]; if(d != c ) return 0; /* no match */ if( d == '\0' ) return 1; /* exact match */ } } void delay( char millisec) /* Delays a multiple of 1 milliseconds at 4 MHz using the TMR0 timer by B. Knudsen */ { OPTION = 2; /* prescaler divide by 8 */ do { TMR0 = 0; while ( TMR0 < 125) /* 125 * 8 = 1000 */ ; } while ( -- millisec > 0); } /******************** HARDWARE ======== *********************/ /* ___________ ___________ | \/ | +5V---|Vdd 16F690 Vss|---GND |RA5 RA0/AN0/(PGD)|-x ->- (PK2Rx) |RA4 RA1/(PGC)|-x -<- (PK2Tx) SW1---|RA3/!MCLR/(Vpp) RA2/INT| |RC5/CCP RC0| |RC4 RC1| CrdIn->-|RC3 RC2|->-LED (lock) |RC6 RB4| |RC7 RB5/Rx|-<-SerIn SerOut-<-|RB7/Tx RB6| |________________________| Card Oscillator OSC 4 MHz ELFA 74-560-07 Card contact __ __ __ +5V |C1| C5| GND |__| __| !MCLR/PGM |C2| |C6| |__| |__| OSC/PGC |C3| |C7| IO/PGD |__| |__| |C4| |C8| |__|__|__| Contact CrdIn All communications are tied together: +5 | --KK--(PK2Tx) SerOut--K