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KTH Registration number (T-number)

Upon arrival you will recieve a KTH Registration number. This number is also called "T-number". Your T-number consist of your date of birth, the letter T and three digits (YYMMDD-TXXX). This number is your unique number in the student documentation system and is only used by KTH, the Student Union and the student housing queue.

Your T-number is good to learn by heart and use to identify yourself while in contact with staff or the Student Union at KTH. If you don´t know your T-number, you can easily find it out by creating a Transcript of Records in your personal menu, which you will have access to upon arrival.

Please refer to your KTH-number in your contact with KTH for quicker service.

The T-number cannot be used outside KTH when in contact with other public authorities in Sweden. 

Administratör Sara Sjögren skapade sidan 15 februari 2019

Administratör Sara Sjögren ändrade rättigheterna 10 april 2019

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