KTH.se/social is a social platform supporting student learning at KTH. Here students and teachers can easily contribute with content, ask/answer questions and update themselves in specific topics. KTH.se/social is to be characterized by respect. Therefore, please treat others the way you yourself would like to be treated. Systems and services supplied by KTH should be used with common sense. This means that guidelines, rules and laws should be followed. If not followed or if misused you risk suspension from the systems.
What is written in the Terms of Service (Swedish 'ansvarsförbindelse') that everyone with a KTH account signs also applies on KTH.se/social.
This does not belong on KTH.se/social:
- Offensive judgment regarding individuals.
- Negative comments regarding ethnic origin, gender, political affiliation, sexual orientation, employment or religious views if they lack meaning in the context.
- Racist, pornographic or sexist wording.
- Threats and harassment.
- Incitement to crime and breaking of Swedish law.
- Unauthorized use of copyright protected material or related rights
- Material that can be perceived as offensive or insulting (for example references to drugs, violence, pornography, discrimination etc.).
KTH.se/social is not to be used for commercial purposes.
KTH.se/social is a support tool for KTH operations and may only be used for this purpose. KTH operations consist of education, research, administrative and technical support and trade union operations. The purpose of the group pages in Social is to facilitate cooperation within these areas. KTH Social may not be used for private purposes. Groups may only be made public if they have content related to KTH operations.
Reports and hidden content
If you see
pages/posts/comments that violate the law or our Terms and Conditions, please
report this by:
- Pressing the “report” button available on posts, pages
and comments.
- Explain/motivate the justification of your report. This
makes it easier to assess your complaint.
- If you are not logged in, please state an e-mail
address to receive a reply considering your report. The report will end up in a
CMS. You will receive an automatic reply when your report has been received.
- The support will then see to it that the report is
treated in the appropriate order.
When a post is
hidden this will be shown to the user. Depending on the content KTH can be made
liable to forward the information to the police or other authority.
Certain information is only accessible to persons with a KTH login.
It is important
that those who do not wish to be seen by everyone on the web and KTH, regardless
of reason, should be able to participate in discussions. That is why there is a
possibility to reduce visibility in discussions that are being held on KTH
social websites. If you for some reason wish to change the visibility
retrospectively and others have posted comments, please obtain a permit from
these people so that they know in which context their names will be visible.
Levels available are as follows:
On the course pages:
- No limitation (everyone can see, even those who are
not logged in)
- Logged in (everyone with a KTH.se account can log in)
- Students and teachers in the course
- Teachers only
On the program pages
- No limitation (everyone can see, even those who are
not logged in)
- Logged in (everyone with a KTH.se account can log in)
- Students and administrative personnel associated with
the program
- Administrative personnel only
On group pages (in secret groups only the
administrator can see the content):
- No limitation (everyone can see, even those who are
not logged in)
- Logged in (everyone with a KTH.se account can log in)
- Administrator only
administrators can always see what has been written.
Remember that KTH as a government agency is subject to open government. This means that material located on KTH.se/social may come to compose of public documents which must be disclosed if requested and nothing else is subject to the confidentiality clause.
The law of liability for electronic
message boards (SFS 1998:112)
Pages/posts/comments are published directly without preview and become
accessible to others according to what can be found under the heading Visibility.
KTH.se/social is provided and monitored in accordance to the law of liability for electronic
message boards (SFS
1998:112). This means that KTH makes regular random checks of public content
(content available to the public). In accordance to § 5 in the law mentioned above material whose content
is contrary to the law or our Terms and Conditions will be removed. KTH will
thus remove material containing for example negative comments regarding gender,
race, religion or sexual orientation and material containing apparent
incitement, hatred speeches, child pornography crimes, unlawful depiction of
violence or if it becomes clear that the user has infringed on copyright or
related rights. Users and visitors
are requested to report material breaking the law and our Terms and Conditions
via the Report function.
Please observe that if you post material on KTH.se/social you are
personally responsible for the content and can thus be held responsible if the
material is contradictory to the law. Depending on the content KTH might be
obliged to pass the information on to the police or other authority.
Copyright is to
be respected by all users. In brief Copyright means the following: Copyright is
regulated by the Law on
Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (1960:729) (below the Law of Copyright). Additional regulations can be
found in the Law of Copyright Regulation (1993:1212) and the Law of International
Copyright Regulation (1994:193). According to the Law of Copyright the person
who has created a work of literature or art has copyright of the work
regardless if it is a manufacture of speech or writing, computer program,
database, musical, scenic, cinematographic, photographic or other pictorial
work, structural engineering, applied art or works expressed in other ways. To
literary works maps and other works manufactured from descriptive art such as
sketching, graphics or plastics are included. Copyright means an exclusive for
the copyright holder, i.e. the creator or to whom the right has passed on to
through for example an agreement, to dispose over the work through reproduction
and making it accessible to the public in original or altered form and also in
translation or adaption, in other literary or art forms or other technology. This
represents the so called Economic Rights. A moral right is also linked to the
Copyright- the Name Indicating Right, meaning the right of the creator to be
named when the work is made public, and the Right of Respect, meaning protection
from distortion of the work in a wrongful way or performance in a wrongful
context. The protection of the Copyright of a work arises automatically when
the work is created and lasts as a rule throughout the creator’s lifetime and
70 years after the creator’s death.
Each and
everyone is allowed to quote from published works. However, the quotation must
be made in accordance to Good Practice and must not extend what is a motivated
In the case of
several creators, whose contribution cannot be discerned as independent works,
the copyright falls on the creators jointly.
Copyright intrusion (i.e. on purpose) or intrusion due to gross negligence can
lead to punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment for up to two years.
Furthermore, intrusion on copyright may lead to liability.
Please observe
that you need to get permission from all copyright holders to use other peoples
work. If you do not follow the
Rules of Copyright you are making yourself responsible to copyright intrusion,
which can lead to prosecution of crimes against the Law of Copyright.
For further
information about copyright please refer to current legislation.
For teachers: Please observe that the agreement with Bonus Presskopia does not include
scanning and digital storage of works which is why permission must be collected
from all creators to be able to upload other peoples work on KTH.se/social.
Please observe
that the Terms and Conditions may change.
KTH.se/social is a social platform supporting student learning at KTH. Here students and teachers can easily contribute with content, ask/answer questions and update themselves in specific topics. KTH.se/social is to be characterized by respect. Therefore, please treat others the way you yourself would like to be treated. Systems and services supplied by KTH should be used with common sense. This means that guidelines, rules and laws should be followed. If not followed or if misused you risk suspension from the systems.
What is written in the Terms of Service (Swedish 'ansvarsförbindelse') that everyone with a KTH account signs also applies on KTH.se/social.
This does not belong on KTH.se/social:
KTH.se/social is not to be used for commercial purposes.
KTH.se/social is a support tool for KTH operations and may only be used for this purpose. KTH operations consist of education, research, administrative and technical support and trade union operations. The purpose of the group pages in Social is to facilitate cooperation within these areas. KTH Social may not be used for private purposes. Groups may only be made public if they have content related to KTH operations.
Reports and hidden content
If you see pages/posts/comments that violate the law or our Terms and Conditions, please report this by:
When a post is hidden this will be shown to the user. Depending on the content KTH can be made liable to forward the information to the police or other authority.
Certain information is only accessible to persons with a KTH login.
It is important that those who do not wish to be seen by everyone on the web and KTH, regardless of reason, should be able to participate in discussions. That is why there is a possibility to reduce visibility in discussions that are being held on KTH social websites. If you for some reason wish to change the visibility retrospectively and others have posted comments, please obtain a permit from these people so that they know in which context their names will be visible.
Levels available are as follows:
On the course pages:
On the program pages
On group pages (in secret groups only the administrator can see the content):
System administrators can always see what has been written.
Remember that KTH as a government agency is subject to open government. This means that material located on KTH.se/social may come to compose of public documents which must be disclosed if requested and nothing else is subject to the confidentiality clause.
The law of liability for electronic message boards (SFS 1998:112)
Pages/posts/comments are published directly without preview and become accessible to others according to what can be found under the heading Visibility.
KTH.se/social is provided and monitored in accordance to the law of liability for electronic message boards (SFS 1998:112). This means that KTH makes regular random checks of public content (content available to the public). In accordance to § 5 in the law mentioned above material whose content is contrary to the law or our Terms and Conditions will be removed. KTH will thus remove material containing for example negative comments regarding gender, race, religion or sexual orientation and material containing apparent incitement, hatred speeches, child pornography crimes, unlawful depiction of violence or if it becomes clear that the user has infringed on copyright or related rights. Users and visitors are requested to report material breaking the law and our Terms and Conditions via the Report function.
Please observe that if you post material on KTH.se/social you are personally responsible for the content and can thus be held responsible if the material is contradictory to the law. Depending on the content KTH might be obliged to pass the information on to the police or other authority.
Copyright is to be respected by all users. In brief Copyright means the following: Copyright is regulated by the Law on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (1960:729) (below the Law of Copyright). Additional regulations can be found in the Law of Copyright Regulation (1993:1212) and the Law of International Copyright Regulation (1994:193). According to the Law of Copyright the person who has created a work of literature or art has copyright of the work regardless if it is a manufacture of speech or writing, computer program, database, musical, scenic, cinematographic, photographic or other pictorial work, structural engineering, applied art or works expressed in other ways. To literary works maps and other works manufactured from descriptive art such as sketching, graphics or plastics are included. Copyright means an exclusive for the copyright holder, i.e. the creator or to whom the right has passed on to through for example an agreement, to dispose over the work through reproduction and making it accessible to the public in original or altered form and also in translation or adaption, in other literary or art forms or other technology. This represents the so called Economic Rights. A moral right is also linked to the Copyright- the Name Indicating Right, meaning the right of the creator to be named when the work is made public, and the Right of Respect, meaning protection from distortion of the work in a wrongful way or performance in a wrongful context. The protection of the Copyright of a work arises automatically when the work is created and lasts as a rule throughout the creator’s lifetime and 70 years after the creator’s death.
Each and everyone is allowed to quote from published works. However, the quotation must be made in accordance to Good Practice and must not extend what is a motivated purpose.
In the case of several creators, whose contribution cannot be discerned as independent works, the copyright falls on the creators jointly.
Intended Copyright intrusion (i.e. on purpose) or intrusion due to gross negligence can lead to punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment for up to two years. Furthermore, intrusion on copyright may lead to liability.
Please observe that you need to get permission from all copyright holders to use other peoples work. If you do not follow the Rules of Copyright you are making yourself responsible to copyright intrusion, which can lead to prosecution of crimes against the Law of Copyright.
For further information about copyright please refer to current legislation.
For teachers: Please observe that the agreement with Bonus Presskopia does not include scanning and digital storage of works which is why permission must be collected from all creators to be able to upload other peoples work on KTH.se/social.
Please observe that the Terms and Conditions may change.