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Testing for verification and validation of an onboard orbit determination system exploiting GNSS

Masters Thesis Presentation by Clara Nermark

Tid: Ti 2022-08-23 kl 10.15 - 11.00

Plats: Gustaf Dahlander

Videolänk: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/69023582951

Medverkande: Clara Nermark

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When developing products for space, including nanosatellites,
 the verification and validation process is a mandatory part of any project conducted within the European space industry. Within such a process, testing is a method for verification and validation. In this degree project, the appropriate tests for verification
 and validation of a nanosatellite were investigated. The project was conducted at the Royal Institute of Technology and the Polytechnic of Milan, as part of a larger research project under the name HERMES-SP. At the time, the research project was in its first
 phase of the verification process. Therefore, tests for verification and validation of the onboard orbit determination system (ODS) had not yet been defined. HERMES-SP is developing a nanosatellite platform with a precise and reliable ODS, combining both inertial
 navigation system (INS) and global navigation system (GNSS). This degree project was thus conducted with HERMES-SP as an applicative case to investigate tests for a nanosatellite’s onboard ODS focusing on the GNSS. 

To fully answer the project's research question, the appropriate
 tests had to be identified and defined. This was done by first determining the requirements related to the ODS, and then identifying the tests that were needed to verify the requirements. Lastly, the tests were defined in test specifications and procedures. 

It was found that the relevant tests in the verification process
 were a handful of tests on the levels of equipment tests, software tests, and subsystem integration tests. The tests were needed for verification of individual components in the system, as well as integrated components and their interfaces. The defined tests
 were considered appropriate for verification and validation for the first phase of the verification process.  

The project contributed to the identification and definition
 of tests for a restricted part of the verification process, related to the specified system of the HERMES-SP nanosatellite. The findings could be used in other nanosatellite projects with similar ODS by following the process and the methodology for test development
 documented in this report.