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Designing music for modernity and sounds for mobility

Tid: Fr 2020-02-07 kl 14.00 - 15.00

Plats: Room 1440, Lindstedtsvägen 3, floor 4

Medverkande: Renzo Vitale - Responsible for Sound Design at BMW, MINI and Rolls Royce


Roberto Bresin
Roberto Bresin professor

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Sounds punctuate and enhance our daily experience: they guide us, talk to us, move us and protect us. Sonic entities play with our consciousness and are able to find a place within the stream of our thoughts through subconscious intersections. Understanding the way we perceive and react to emotions as well as integrating notions from other disciplines, such as science and art, are some of the keys for creating effective sounds, especially in relation to the complexity of our environment and the extensive amount of pre-existing sounds. This talk will present a few ideas on how to face the challenge of composing new sounds and music for modernity.