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Jonas Ermann: Likheter Mellan Skillnader: En Jämförelse Mellan Analytisk Kalkyl Och Dennes Diskreta Motsvarigheter

Bachelor Thesis

Tid: Ti 2024-04-16 kl 09.30 - 10.30

Plats: Mötesrum 9 (Albano, SU)

Respondent: Jonas Ermann

Handledare: Rikard Bögvad

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This paper looks at the similarities between analytical calculus and its discrete counterparts, that is differences, sums, differences equations, and so on. Integral-and differential calculus are very central parts of further mathematical education, but their closely related discrete counterparts are often overseen and sometimes noteven known by students of higher mathematics. However, these parts of mathematics can be of great value to better understand analytical calculus, and principals in analytical calculus can be of great value to easier calculate differences in its discrete counterparts. It is these similarities that this paper will explore.

The first part of the paper will take a purely theoretical approach, with focus on litterature, whereas the latter part will take a more practical approach by focusing on real examples and try to gain some knowledge about differences and sums by observing patterns and coming up with clauses.