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Lukas Kühne: Computing the moduli space of a matroid and applications to hyperplane arrangements

Speaker: Lukas Kühne (Bielefeld University)

Combinatorics seminar

Tid: On 2024-04-10 kl 10.15 - 11.15

Plats: Room 3721

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Abstract: A matroid is a fundamental and widely studied object in combinatorics. Following a brief introduction to matroids, I will showcase parts of a new OSCAR module for matroids using several examples. My emphasis will be on the computation of the realization space of a matroid, which is the space of all hyperplane arrangements that have the given matroid as their intersection lattice.   Later, I will discuss its applications in the realm of hyperplane arrangements. First, I will outline a connection between matroid realization spaces, operators that act on line arrangements, and elliptic modular surfaces. Time permitting, I will discuss line arrangements with only triple intersection points.