Global Arctic–Regional Governance – event hosted by Miyase and Annika
On December 6 guest professor Miyase Christensen and affiliated researcher Annika E Nilsson arranged a workshop as a part of their project Arctic Governance and the Question of Fit in a Globalized World
Among the participants where, other than Miya and Annika, from the Division: researcher and movie maker Jacob von Heland and researcher and Lego expert Peder Roberts.
“Climate change has placed the Arctic into media limelight, with images of environmental change and conflicting interests that play an important role for public perceptions about the region. Media storylines and images also enter discussions about how the region should be governed. To explore this intersection between political decision making and mediation of the Arctic in a rapidly evolving media landscape, a group of international scholars and media practitioners are gathering for a workshop in Stockholm 6-7 December 2017. The aim of this workshop is to start a discussion about the implications of the changing media and political landscape for circumpolar regional governance.”
The event was held in collaboration with Nordiska museet’s program on Man in the Arctic in the Light of Climate Change led by the Hallwyl visiting professor at the Nordic Museum and Stockholm University. It is held at the Nordic museum in Stockholm.
To see the full program, please visit