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Engineering Materials Science using Neutrons and Synchrotron

Module 1. Theory and cases

This advanced course is for researchers and PhD students in the field of Sustainable Materials Engineering. The course has 3 modules: theory and case examples; hands-on exercises at the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline; and, data analysis.

Time: Mon 2024-05-20 09.00 - Thu 2024-05-23 17.00

Location: KTH Royal Institute of Technology or Online

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Engineering Materials Science using Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays is a 5 hp PhD level course providing learners with knowledge of how to apply scattering techniques to applied engineering materials problems. Learners will also gain hands-on experience of scattering measurements and data analysis at the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline. The course comprises lectures, at KTH or online, as well as practical sessions in Hamburg. 

This course is also relevant to researchers in institutes and companies whose research outcomes would benefit from applying scattering techniques to study materials engineering phenomena.

Apply here  before 8 May.

Course design

The course is organised into three modules:

  1. Theory and cases. 20-23 May. KTH Royal Institute of Technology or Online 
  2. Hands-on beamline activities at the P21.2 branch of the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline. 3-4 June, Hamburg
  3. Preliminary data analysis, which will support students make an initial analysis of the captured data. 5 June, Hamburg (Note. CeXS is organising an advanced beamline data analysis course in November.)

Course lecturers include:

Peter Hedström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander (Chalmers University of Technology), Emanuel Larsson (MAX IV), Joachim Kohlbrecher (PSI), Joe Kelleher (ISIS), Johan Cedervall (Uppsala University), Lewis Owen (University of Sheffield), Malte Blankenburg (DESY), Robin Woracek (ESS), Gabriel Spartacus (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Ulrich Lienert (DESY)


Hand-in assignments

​Course organisers

The course examiner is Professor Peter Hedström and co-organise is Associate Professor Magnus Colliander.

The course is co-organised by the SwedNess  graduate school for neutron scattering and the Center for X-Rays in Swedish Materials Science. The organisers are grateful to the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) for their support.


Course fees are waived for PhD students.

All participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.


Apply here before 8 May. (Applications are now close.)