REXSAC – Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities – is a Nordic Centre of Excellence in Arctic research, funded by Nordforsk and led by the Division, together with Stockholm University and Stockholm Environment Institute. Representants in REXSAC from the Division are researcher and LTU Professor Dag Avango, Professor Sverker Sörlin and doctoral students Jean-Sébastien Boutet and Camilla Winqvist. Today the new REXSAC film was launched.
The film “Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities” with results and conclusions from the work in REXSAC is availabe and open access. The film highlights how mineral extraction systems combined with other societal activities and climate change exert pressures on Arctic ecosystems & local- and traditional livelihoods. Follow the link to the REXSAC blog below, to read more about why and how the film was made, and also to watch it.