What is Deep Sea Mining? is a five episode short film series dedicated to the topic of deep sea mining, a new frontier of resource extraction at the bottom of the ocean, set to begin in the next few years. It is also one of the head events of the third edition of Crosscuts – Stockholm Environmental Humanities Festival for Film and Text on September 1st this fall.
What is Deep Sea Mining? will start up the festival this year. The five episodes are screened at a brownbag seminar and followed by a discussion lead by the Divison’s Tirza Myer. In the panel we have Robert Blasiak, researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (focuses on the sustainable management of ocean resources, and ocean stewardship) and Staffan Lindberg, author and journalist at Swedish paper Aftonbladet (focuses on foreign and climate news).
The What is Deep Sea Mining? project was developed in collaboration with Margarida Mendes, curator, educator and activist from Lisbon, Portugal. Margardia is a founding member of Oceano Livre, the environmental movement against deep sea mining. She is dedicated to understand how a shifting climate impacts society’s capacity for imagination. We will also show a recording of Margarida during this event.
Go here for the full program with more information on this session and to register: https://crosscuts.se/program-2022/