We are happy to share the news that Professor Sverker Sörlin was nominated by Sveriges Radio P1 to be one of the hosts for the aclaimed radio show Sommar. The show has been running during the summer weeks since the sixties. Every year a number of profiles of various backgrounds (research, arts, acting, politics etc) are choosen to host the show for a one hour session. The hosts choose the topic themselves and the music that goes with it.
The names are announced at the end of May each years, and the days before are always full of Swedes speculating in the lunch room about who will be on the list the upcoming sumer. It is an honorable nomination, and we are all very proud and happy that Sverker is one of the hosts this year.
“-My summer speaks about the love towards life and about such things that help us to live, for example empathy, justice and education. Therefore it will be about the vision of the fossil-free wellfare state Sweden. This is the new Green Norrland’s test case.”
Sverker’s show will air on 7 July, but is accessable at the Swedish Radio webpage after. The show is always in Swedish.
Please check out the broadcast via Radio Sweden’s Website. The producer of the session is Niklas Zachrisson.
Abstract (from Radio Sweden):
Sverker Sörlin är prisbelönt författare och professor i miljöhistoria vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.
Under lång tid har Sverker Sörlin också varit del av den svenska kulturdebatten som skribent i bland annat Dagens Nyheter. Han har skrivit en rad böcker, främst inom området idéhistoria, men också självbiografiskt om längdskidåkning, sjukdom och bildning.
I sin avhandling ”Framtidslandet” från 1988 beskrev han den första industriella revolutionen i Norrland i slutet av 1800-talet. En liknande utveckling sker idag – och framtidshoppet kring norra Sveriges nya stora industrier växer återigen.