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Brown bag lunch: "Reduction of micropollutants from water and waste water, a return of experience"

Philippe Sauvignet is responsible for the development of novel water treatment technologies within the Veolia group. His focus involves high-rate clarification, membrane filtration and treatment of emerging pollutants.

Time: Mon 2023-05-22 10.30 - 13.00

Location: Room Sahara, Teknikringen 10 B, 2 floor

Language: English

Participating: Philippe Sauvignet, Industrialization manager, Veolia, France

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Please send an email to  by 16th May the latest if you want a lunch wrap. Let us know if you have any dietary restrictions. 

His role focuses on adapting the technology to new constraints, preparing patents and new functionality. He is also responsible for pooling the effort of Veolia Water Technologies business units around the world on specific subjects such as high-rate clarification, activated carbon processes and water softening.

Mr. Sauvignet has a wide experience in drinking, waste and process water technologies and worked on implementing various forms of contracts in the UK, Germany and France. He managed and initiated numerous process patents for the Veolia group and helped to develop some key new technologies. His aim is to continue to promote and develop water treatment systems and technologies. He is eager to promote and pass on process experience and best practices.

Philippe Sauvignet joined Veolia in 1993 after graduating from ISIM, Montpellier University (France). During the first part of his career, he worked as commissioning manager in various countries around the world.