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CITY OF WATERS - Uncertainty and the future urban

The next URS Higher Seminar is co-hosted by the Space Politics Ecologies research platform. Dr Nikhil Anand from the University of Pennsylvania will present his ideas on urban political ecology as it relates to water infrastructure networks in Mumbai.

Time: Tue 2018-03-13 11.00 - 12.00

Location: KTH, L-building, Drottning Kristinas väg 30, 1st floor Seminar Room

Participating: Dr Nikhil Anand, University of Pennsylvania

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From the time water tentatively enters residents taps, to the time it enters the sea from the city’s drains, Mumbai is a city of waters. In this talk, I attend to the di erent waters that make the city of Mumbai. How might an attention to waters in the plural generate a new set of idioms and meta- phors to learn about cities? What might cities be and become if we don’t privilege the xity of their territories, while, at the same time resist the fetishes of ow? Drawing on my recently published book, Hydraulic City (Duke University Press, 2017 ), and a new project on Mumbai’s seas, in this talk I examine how waters provide new ways of thinking about uncertainty and our urban future.

Nikhil Anand is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. His re- search focuses on the political ecology of cities, read through the di erent lives of water. His rst book, Hydraulic City, examines the everyday ways in which cities and citizens are made through the everyday management of water pipes in Mumbai.
